J.J. Sefton
AoSHQ The Morning Report
May 31, 2023
FACT-O-RAMA! The commies like to wrap their tyranny in virtue. An example is the transgender narrative. We are all expected to agree that a man can don panties and thus he is a she, and anyone who differs is labeled a “bigot” and may actually be fired.In Other News
Why does the left push this codswallop? I believe the Marxists know a man cannot be a woman but have realized that if they can make people believe a man is a woman, they control and — in a weird way — own those people. Another example is the surge of illegal immigrants pouring over our border. The left claims they are allowing it for virtuous reasons but in reality, the globalists are trying to crush our nation with millions of people we can’t possibly help.
Julio Rosas, senior reporter for our sister site Townhall, testified before Congress on Tuesday about Antifa and the destruction caused by this violent movement. He was there at the invitation of the House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Oversight, Investigations, and Accountability.In Other News
Rosas, a Marine, is no stranger to the Antifa movement, having attended many of their violent riots and documented the havoc wreaked by this organization. He even took a rubber bullet to the abdomen at one of those riots.
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