and will probably not end well here in Boston
Appears we'll have a busy week
Sunday, May 31, 2020
Saturday, May 30, 2020
Rule 5 Saturday LinkOrama
Proof Positive - Vintage Babe of the Week - Tonight's Vintage Babe is Debra Paget. and Best of the Web
Political Clown Parade - Flowing Curves Of Beauty
By Other Means - Tuesday Tap Rack and Bang, BeCos(play) It's Friday and Seeing Red
Evi L. Bloggerlady - La Sonnambula ðŸŽ
Ninety Miles From Tyranny - Hot Pick, Girls With Guns, Morning Mistress and Blogs With Rule 5 Links
Grouchy Old Cripple - Saturday Boobage
Irons in the Fire - Friday Data and ... Saturday Data Overflow
The Feral Irishman - Friday Femme Fatale
The Daley Gator - Daley Babe
Diogenes Middle Finger News - A Good Monday Morning from last week will have to do.

A View from the Beach - Rule 5 Saturday - Morgan Fairchild
24 Femmes Per Second - Mary Ure
Knuckledraggin My Life Away - I’m sure she’s taken, men And ... I’ll leave you with this
American Power - Jessica Chastain
Woodsterman - Rule 5 Woodsterman Style
The Other McCain - Rule 5 Sunday Kayleigh “Honey Badger” McEnany
The Pirates Cove - If All You See ... and Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup
Wired Right - A Beautiful End to the Day
The Right Way - Friday Babe and ... Rule 5 Saturday LinkOrama
Friday, May 29, 2020
Kruiser's Morning Brief
Mr. Stephen Kruiser
The Morning Brefing
May 29, 2020
Zuckerberg Is Right—Facebook Isn't the News Hall Monitor for Stupid People
Thursday, May 28, 2020
Kruiser's Morning Brief
Mr. Stephen Kruiser
The Morning Brefing
May 28, 2020
Can Joe Biden Survive a Battle With ... Joe Biden?
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Kruiser's Morning Brief
Mr. Stephen Kruiser
The Morning Brefing
May 27, 2020
Trump's Twitter Trolling Is the Greatest Entertainment in America
Top of the News
- Just the News via The Bongino Report
ust 17 days before President Trump took office in January 2017, then-FBI counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok texted bureau lawyer Lisa Page, his mistress, to express concern about sharing sensitive Russia probe evidence with the departing Obama White House.In Other News
Strzok had just engaged in a conversation with his boss, then-FBI Assistant Director William Priestap, about evidence from the investigation of incoming National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, codenamed Crossfire Razor, or “CR” for short.
The evidence in question were so-called "tech cuts" from intercepted conversations between Flynn and Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak, according to the texts and interviews with officials familiar with the conversations.
Strzok related Priestap’s concerns about the potential the evidence would be politically weaponized if outgoing Director of National Intelligence James Clapper shared the intercept cuts with the White House and President Obama, a well-known Flynn critic.
“He, like us, is concerned with over sharing,” Strzok texted Page on Jan. 3, 2017, relating his conversation with Priestap. “Doesn’t want Clapper giving CR cuts to WH. All political, just shows our hand and potentially makes enemies.”
When Drama Queens Collide - The Daley Gator
Governor Gretchen Whitmer Claims She is Being Victimized By Citizens of Michigan - IOTWreport
Keeping Things Civil: The Afterword to Empire by Orson Scott Card- American Digest
Politico Admits Democrats ‘Dread’ Fast Economic Rebound - Free North Carolina
Cartoon Round Up - Theo Spark
Four Minneapolis Police Officers Fired After Suspect Dies - Evi. L Bloggerlady
The Staff at The NY Times Had One Job - 357 Magnum
Kayleigh McEnany claps back at Leftist Schill Chris Wallace: ‘Journalists not above being questioned’ - 90 Miles From Tyranny
The Should Brings Democrats Strategist Night Sweats - Diogenes Middle Finger News
- Yahoo News via Instapundit
Quote du jour and Best of the Web - Proof Positive
Memorial Day 2020 - Adrienne's Corner
New York Times Publishes Names of People Who Died of COVID-19 on Entire Front Page - Political Clown Parade
Minneapolis DEM Mayor Jacob Frey puts on a good show, feigning concern and compassion over George Floyd death. - Drake's Place
Murder soars in Chicago; cops focus on raiding black church services for distancing violations - American Thinker
Rep Gaetz Answers Rice Denial Of Unmasking Knowledge: If Lies Are Music She’s Mozart (Videos) - The Lid
CNN: Although Covid Kills Many, Many More Men Than Women, Women Are the Real Victims, Because... Women in Health Care Make 28% Less Than Men?!?! - AoSHQ
Hallowed Ground - The Other McCain
Tucker: Media critics scold Americans for enjoying Memorial Day - The Last Tradition
Why Do Democrats Want Lockdowns To Continue? A Bad Economy Is Good For Their Election Chances - The Pirates Cove
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Kruiser's Morning Brief
Mr. Stephen Kruiser
The Morning Brefing
May 26, 2020
Screw the Distancing—NFL Plans On Filling Stadiums This Fall
Monday, May 25, 2020
Kruiser's Morning Brief
Mr. Stephen Kruiser
The Morning Brefing
May 25, 2020
Coronapocalypse Memorial Day Edition
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Rule 5 Saturday LinkOrama
Proof Positive - Vintage Babe of the Week - Tonight's Vintage Babe is Raquel Welch. and Best of the Web
Political Clown Parade - Flowing Curves Of Beauty
By Other Means - Tuesday Tap Rack and Bang, BeCos(play) It's Friday and Seeing Red
Evi L. Bloggerlady - Don Giovanni ðŸŽ
Ninety Miles From Tyranny - Hot Pick, Girls With Guns, Morning Mistress and Blogs With Rule 5 Links
Grouchy Old Cripple - Saturday Boobage
Irons in the Fire - Friday Data and ... Saturday Data Overflow
The Feral Irishman - She Will Steal Your Very Soul....Look, But For a Moment
The Daley Gator - Daley Babe
Diogenes Middle Finger News - A Good Monday Morning
A View from the Beach - Fish Pic Friday - Two for One Sale and Rule 5 Saturday - Nicole Eggert
24 Femmes Per Second - Scilla Gabel
Knuckledraggin My Life Away - I’m sure she’s taken, men And ... I’ll leave you with this
American Power - Jessica Chastain
Woodsterman - Rule 5 Woodsterman Style ... OFERCRAPSAKE ... It's Woodsterman's Bloggy Birthday or Something
The Other McCain - Rule 5 Sunsday
The Pirates Cove - If All You See ... and Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup
Wired Right - A Beautiful End to the Day
The Right Way - Friday Babe and ... Rule 5 Saturday LinkOrama
Friday, May 22, 2020
Kruiser's Morning Brief
Mr. Stephen Kruiser
The Morning Brefing
May 22, 2020
Does Anyone Really Believe the Polls Showing Biden Cruising to Victory?
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Kruiser's Morning Brief
Mr. Stephen Kruiser
The Morning Brefing
May 21, 2020
Treatment of Ron DeSantis vs Andrew Cuomo Is Why People Should Hate the Media
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Kruiser's Morning Brief
Mr. Stephen Kruiser
The Morning Brefing
May 20, 2020
Finally Some Good News—Trump Is About to Flood the Economy With Deregulation
Top of the News
Rep. Ayanna Pressley spoke out Tuesday against Gov. Charlie Baker’s recently released plan to reopen the Massachusetts economy.In Other News
The first phase of the plan, which Baker detailed Monday, allows a number of businesses and activities — from construction and churches to haircuts and nonessential office work — to resume over the next few weeks, albeit under a number of stringent restrictions intended to prevent a second coronavirus wave.
But Pressley says the state is going too fast.
“[Massachusetts] isn’t ready to ‘reopen,'” she tweeted Tuesday. “Policy decisions that offer a false choice between public health & economic recovery will hurt our communities.”
The number one thing to remember about the Russia hoax - The Daley Gator
Press conference in Ukraine names Joe Biden and John Kerry as agents of corruption - IOTWreport
Our Long National Nightmare Has Been Wiped Clean- American Digest
Revealed: Amazon Funding/Partners with Far-Left Hate Group $outhern Poverty Law Center - Free North Carolina
Cartoon Round Up - Theo Spark
Ken Osmond (Eddie Haskell), RIP - Evi. L Bloggerlady
Obama’s Pandemic Playbook – What It’s Missing - 357 Magnum
Former CIA Station Chief Exposes Potential List of Indictments for Obama Era Officials - 90 Miles From Tyranny
Careful With That Axe Eugene - Diogenes Middle Finger News
Quote du jour and Best of the Web - Proof Positive
Apparently we have more weak and easily led people in this country than I thought possible ... and it's very disturbing. - Adrienne's Corner
The Bedwetter - Political Clown Parade
CDC backtracks: now says Covid-19 DOESN'T spread easily on contaminated surfaces. It's SCIENCE! - Drake's Place
Hubris and miscalculation: The left's bid to exploit the virus to defeat Trump - American Thinker
BREAKING: Susan Rice Letter To Self Declassified, Pg One Released (Embedded) DOJ Reviewing Rest) - The Lid
Michael Flynn Asks Appeals Course to Do Its Duty and Dismiss His Case, and Furthermore, to Remove the Lawless Lunatic Emmet Sullivan from the Case - AoSHQ
The Battle of Atillis Gym - The Other McCain
Video-Trump defends taking hydroxychloroquine, hits back at Pelosi as 'sick' - The Last Tradition
Surprise: Democrat Governors Are Getting Hit With Lots Of Lawsuits - The Pirates Cove
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Krusier's Morning Brief
Mr. Stephen Kruiser
The Morning Brefing
May 19, 2020
Censorship Has Mutated and Is Thriving During Coronavirus Pandemic
Monday, May 18, 2020
Kruiser's Morning Brief
Mr. Stephen Kruiser
The Morning Brefing
May 18, 2020
Lock Up the Lockdown Governors
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Rule 5 Saturday LinkOrama
Proof Positive - Vintage Babe of the Week - Tonight's Vintage Babe is Dorothy Malone. and Best of the Web
Political Clown Parade - Flowing Curves Of Beauty
By Other Means - Tuesday Tap Rack and Bang, BeCos(play) It's Friday and Seeing Red
Evi L. Bloggerlady - Lucia di Lammermoor 🎠Joan Sutherland
Ninety Miles From Tyranny - Hot Pick, Girls With Guns, Morning Mistress and Blogs With Rule 5 Links
Grouchy Old Cripple - Saturday Boobage
Irons in the Fire - Friday Data and ... Saturday Data Overflow
The Feral Irishman - A much needed reprieve from COVID-1984 and OsamaGate
The Daley Gator - Daley Babe
Diogenes Middle Finger News - A Good Monday Morning
A View from the Beach - Fish Pic Friday - Hannah Barron and Rule 5 Satuday - A Species from Mars - Natasha Henstridge
24 Femmes Per Second - Claudine Auger
Knuckledraggin My Life Away - I’m sure she’s taken, men And ... I’ll leave you with this
American Power - Britney Spears
Woodsterman - Rule 5 Woodsterman Style -- on Friday?
The Other McCain - Rule 5 Tuesday
The Pirates Cove - If All You See ... and Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup
Wired Right - A Beautiful End to the Day
The Right Way - Friday Babe and ... Rule 5 Saturday LinkOrama
Friday, May 15, 2020
Kruiser's Morning Brief
Mr. Stephen Kruiser
The Morning Brefing
May 15, 2020
ACLU Sues Due Process Champion DeVos
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Kruiser's Morning Brief
Mr. Stephen Kruiser
The Morning Brefing
May 14, 2020
Richard Grenell Is the Superhero America Needs Right Now
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Kruiser's Morning Brief
Mr. Stephen Kruiser
The Morning Brefing
May 13, 2020
Let California Twist in the Wind Without a Bailout
Top of the News
Every day we learn a little bit more that shows that the investigation of Michael Flynn was a dirty operation carried out Obama officials and loyalists. Andrew McCarthy at National Review recently noted, the FBI coordinated “very closely with the Obama White House on the investigation of Michael Flynn, while the Obama Justice Department was asleep at the switch.” One of the key details we learned about the infamous Oval Office meeting on January 5, 2017, was that after the main briefing on Russian interference in the 2016 election, by the heads of key intelligence agencies, Obama asked Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates and FBI Director James Comey to stay behind, along with Vice President Biden and National Security Advisor Susan Rice.In Other News
The media has reached the apex of idiocy!! MSNBS- hold our beers!!! - The Daley Gator
Judge Emmet Sullivan delays Flynn dismissal decision, invites outside opinions - IOTWreport
Strange Daze- American Digest
Gretchen 'The Witch' Whitmer Lashes out at Michiganders: Lockdown ‘Not Optional,’ Orders ‘Not Suggestions’ - Free North Carolina
Cartoon Round Up - Theo Spark
Dr. Anthony Fauci Testifies Before U.S. Senate - Evi. L Bloggerlady
Why Exactly Do We Care that He Was a Doctor? - 357 Magnum
Food Supply Collapse: Ice Age Farmer with Spiro Skouras - 90 Miles From Tyranny
Let's All Join Hands [virtually, of course] and Say a Prayer for Poor Squinty Scarborough - Diogenes Middle Finger News
Quote du jour and Best of the Web - Proof Positive
PlanDemic video interview with Dr. Judy Mikovits apparently being taken down by Youtube...w/ Updated Link. - Adrienne's Corner
The Calendar Girls Of Creepy Uncle Joe - Political Clown Parade
John Scott Moretti charged with child sex abuse. He headed security detail for John Kerry as Secretary of State. - Drake's Place
Petty tyrants abound. In a crisis, the left turns to authoritarianism, the right fights for liberty - American Thinker
Pro-Trump SuperPAC Slams Creepy Joe With Tara Reade Commercial (Video) - The Lid
Corrupt Judge Sullivan, Who Previously Threatened to Jail Michael Flynn for Treason When He Moved to Withdraw His Guilty Plea, Now Invites Leftwingers Who Want Flynn Jailed To Submit Their Own Motions As To Why Flynn Should Still Be Sentenced. - AoSHQ
Ahmaud Arbery: Focus on Media Bias, Because ‘The Issue Is Never the Issue’ - The Other McCain
Must Watch Sen. Rand Paul Blasts Dr. Fauci 'I don't think you're the end all!' - The Last Tradition
Bummer: Bat Soup Virus Isn’t Slowing ‘Climate Change’ - The Pirates Cove
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Kruiser's Morning Brief
Mr. Stephen Kruiser
The Morning Brefing
May 12, 2020
Baseball Makes a Pitch to Return
Monday, May 11, 2020
Kruiser's Morning Brief
Mr. Stephen Kruiser
The Morning Brefing
May 11, 2020
'OBAMAGATE!' Monday Edition
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Saturday, May 9, 2020
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