Sunday, October 29, 2017
Saturday, October 28, 2017
Rule 5 Saturday LinkOrama
Fiona Barron
Proof Positive - Friday Night Babe - Meredith Eaton
Political Clown Parade - Flowing Curves Of Beauty
By Other Means - Tuesday Tap, Rack, and Bangand Seeing Red
Evi L. Bloggerlady - Sexual Harassment? Really? Come on Heather, George H.W. Bush was 90 at the time and in a wheelchair
Ninety Miles From Tyranny - Hot Pick, Girls With Guns and Morning Mistress
Grouchy Old Cripple - Saturday Boobage
DoubleTroubleTwo - Happy Humpday !
The Feral Irishman - Friday Femme Fatale
The Daley Gator - Daley Babe
Diogenes Middle Finger News - A Good Monday Morning and Fishnet Friday
Theo Spark - Gigi Hadid Takes You To Her Wet, Tahitian Paradise | Intimates | Sports Illustrated Swimsuit
Your Crazy Uncle Bubba - Buenas
American Power - Emily Ratajkowski Glows Against the Sunset (VIDEO)
Woodsterman - Rule 5 Woodsterman Style
The Other McCain - Rule 5 Tuesday
The Pirates Cove - If All You See ...
Wired Right - Our pick for Bikini Babe of the Day is Kara Del Toro
Friday, October 27, 2017
Thursday, October 26, 2017
Allen Reinertsen Has Passed Away
Fellow Blogger and Patriot "Goodstuff" has died unexpectedly.
He will be missed.

via Irish
He will be missed.

via Irish
Fellow Blogger "GOODSTUFF" Has Passed Away.....
Allen "GOODSTUFF" Reinertsen passed away suddenly it seems. One commenter on his FACEBOOK page said he died in his sleep.
RIP Allen.
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
Top of the News
Dodgers Take Game 1 in World Series Play
Breaking News! Je$$e Jack$on is still a race baiting bottom feeder! - The Daley Gator
Black Police Officer Has Something To Say - IOTWreport
How Harvey Weinstein Built Pipeline of Access to the World's Beautiful Women - American Power
Jim Goad on Corey Feldman and the Hollywood “casting crib” - Five Feet of Fury
Nihilism in Gen Z/Millennials and the far right - 90 Miles From Tyranny
CNN Downplays Apple Ad After Conservatives Have Field Day - Diogenes Middle Finger News
Who Wore it Better? - Proof Positive
Wild Bill: News Bites 10/24/17 - Adrienne's Corner
The Purge: What Do You Wear To A Donkey Funeral? - Political Clown Parade
Republican Civil War: While Charles Schumer and the #SalonHot25 Mourn the Retirement of Jeff Flake, Real Conservatives Point Out His Habit of Carrying Liberal Water - AoSHQ
In The Mailbox: 10.24.17 - The Other McCain
BOMBSHELL from WaPo: Clinton, DNC, Paid for Dirt, Infamous Russian Dossier - The Last Tradition
Goracle: Hotcoldwetdry Will Cause More Hurricanes Like Harvey Or Something - The Pirates Cove
Sunday, October 22, 2017
A Nice Pair
Uncle asks the Question: If you could only own two, what would they be
Over the summer we did a very nice pairing based on P80 lowers in the shop.
This one is a 300 Blackout over Polymer 80 Lower. She turned out nice. The Kits all came from Brownells and were purchased individually as funding allowed.
This one is a Glock 17 with P80 Lower kit from Midway Arms. The upper was a used purchase at a local gun shop.
Some bonehead thinks limiting Americans to two guns would be groovy. The idea is stupid as Hell. But if you could only own two, what would they be? My answer is, obviously, an AR-15 and a black plastic people popper of the Glock or M&P variety.
Over the summer we did a very nice pairing based on P80 lowers in the shop.
This one is a 300 Blackout over Polymer 80 Lower. She turned out nice. The Kits all came from Brownells and were purchased individually as funding allowed.
This one is a Glock 17 with P80 Lower kit from Midway Arms. The upper was a used purchase at a local gun shop.
Sunday Morning Reads
You Know How Sunday Mornings are. You've got a lot of stuff that needs doing but it doesn't necessarily require a lot of looking after. This is when I get to sit and read a while.
I'm swiping this one from Vanderluen at American Digest again but he won't mind.
Also This ... Brotherhood
Aww ... Just go to American Digest. Start at the top and read every word whilst scrolling down. You will be just a little smarter for the effort and you'll thank me when you come back.
I'm swiping this one from Vanderluen at American Digest again but he won't mind.
“Liberals suck the fun out of everything…. They want to normalize the abnormal and demonize the traditional.”
Ladies and gentlemen, for your weekend viewing pleasure we present America’s Greatest Hillbilly, Joe Dan Gorman starring in and creating (3) – Intellectual Froglegs!
Also This ... Brotherhood
Aww ... Just go to American Digest. Start at the top and read every word whilst scrolling down. You will be just a little smarter for the effort and you'll thank me when you come back.
Saturday, October 21, 2017
Rule 5 Saturday LinkOrama
Proof Positive - Friday Night Babe - Sasha Alexander
Political Clown Parade - Flowing Curves Of Beauty
By Other Means - Tuesday Tap, Rack, and Bang and Seeing Red
Evi L. Bloggerlady - Heida Reed
Ninety Miles From Tyranny - Hot Pick, Girls With Guns and Morning Mistress
Grouchy Old Cripple - Saturday Boobage
DoubleTroubleTwo - Happy Humpday !
The Feral Irishman - Friday Femme Fatale
The Daley Gator - Daley Babe
Diogenes Middle Finger News - A Good Monday Morning and Fishnet Friday
Theo Spark - Olympic Swimmer Natalie Coughlin 'Dances Naked' For Body Paint Shoot | Sports Illustrated Swimsuit
Your Crazy Uncle Bubba - Legs and Dresses
American Power - More Alexis Ren
Woodsterman - Rule 5 Woodsterman Style
The Other McCain - Rule 5 Sunday
The Pirates Cove - If All You See ...
Friday, October 20, 2017
Wednesday, October 18, 2017
Top of the News
Well, Here's a Surprise
Colin Kaepernick not invited to annual owners and NFLPA meeting
*VIDEO* Stefan Molyneux: Shocking FBI Corruption Exposed - The Daley Gator
Samantha Power Claims Someone Else Made Unmasking Requests In Her Name [VIDEO] - IOTWreport
Satanic LGBT Drag Queen Reads to Small Children at Michelle Obama Public Library in Long Beach - American Power
David Stein pens a controversial column about a controversial column - Five Feet of Fury
Canada ABOLISHES ITSELF - 90 Miles From Tyranny
The REAL Russian Colluders - Diogenes Middle Finger News
Still "Hanoi Jane" Fonda After All These Years! - Proof Positive
John McCain says I'm not only deplorable, but I'm also unpatriotic, practice spurious nationalism, and tired dogma - Adrienne's Corner
Hillary’s New Bully Pulpit: Columbia University - Political Clown Parade
Megyn Kelly's Ratings Fall to Olbermann-In-His-Mom's-Basement Levels - AoSHQ
In The Mailbox: 10.17.17 - The Other McCain
Sean Hannity The Real Russian Collusion Story - The Last Tradition
Remember How Tesla Was Going To Help Put An End To Fossil Fueled Vehicles? - The Pirates Cove
Sunday, October 15, 2017
Compiled by NITZAKHON
A video about the "Barcelona Declaration". If true, people need to hang. In large numbers.
Globe and Mail - Like it or not, we need a ‘nudge’ to make better choices
** I read this, and CS Lewis comes to mind:
"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience."
>> Add into the mix Krauthammer's Law, that they Left truly thinks they are better people than us Deplorables. Smarter, more noble, more educated... and it's not such a large step for people viewing themselves as superior to move from "nudging" to "herding"... and then to "culling". For the good of all, of course. Someone else grasps this potential progression too:
Michelles Mirror - Why Do American’s Own So Many Guns?
** Quote:
Anyway, in summary: why do Americans own so many guns? Because the Second Amendment is premised on the fact that eventually the know-it-all, better-than-us elitists will grow tired of lecturing us and simply decide to rule by fiat. Because they only want what’s best for us.
>> And yet, the average Liberal doesn't grasp this. Leftists understand this - having all the guns means having the power. And somewhat related:
The Federalist - The Left’s Sirens Are Already Hinting Our Culture Wars Will End In Another Civil War
** Quote:
On college campuses, progressive activists increasingly don’t even bother mincing words, they just forcibly silence anyone who disagrees with them...
>> The reason for this is simple: Socialism is, ultimately, based on force - forcing people who earn to give up their money OR ELSE. Once you've made the conceptual leap that it is OK to force people through implicit threats to bend to your financial will, it's not such a leap to contemplating, and then using, force in general.
Blonde in the Belly of the Beast - Our Ancestral Disconnect
** Yes, heritage matters. Successful cultures have pride in that culture. Which is why the Left hates American conservatives... and in parallel, Jews in general, Israel in particular, because we have over 3,000 years of culture and a sense of ourselves as A PEOPLE. I've got my 23 & Me kit; I already did Ancestry's kit and, to my surprise, there's very little English. But I know my father's paternal line did come from England, so it's weird... and, according to him, his mother's side was in large part sourced somewhere from the Scandinavian countries, again missing from the results. Also weird.
Truth Revolt - Media Leftists Ditch Facts in Favor of Anti-Gun Crusade
** Lying in the service of Socialism, to advance The Cause, is acceptable. Related:
Weasel Zippers - Bump-Stock Device Received ATF Green Light During Obama Administration
** It would not surprise me AT ALL if it were somehow revealed - Divine Revelation? - that this happened as a set-up, knowing that sooner or later someone would use it in a mass shooting, and then it could be used to attack gun rights. Remember, the Left has a Long Game.
Jihad Watch - University of Texas at San Antonio: Prof threatens to expel student for saying Islamic countries kill gays
** That Islamists kill gays - deliberately, intentionally, and very cruelly - is undeniably true. We've gone Full Orwell. You should never go Full Orwell.
100percentfedup - NBC REPORTER Tries to Get Vegas Shooting Victim to Trash Trump…What Happens Next Destroys The Fake News Narrative! [Video]
** Because the enemedia are lying scum. And exactly exhibiting Rule Two:
The Hill - Weinstein allegations are not the first stories 'spiked' by media
** And openly silencing people:
Twitchy - FLASHBACK: Watch Barbara Walters SHAME Corey Feldman for speaking about Hollywood abuse
DirectorBlue - HELPFUL GUIDE EVEN DEMOCRATS CAN UNDERSTAND: The Failure Cycle of Socialism
** Democrats COULD understand it, but that would require three brain cells capable of firing at once.
BayouRenaissanceman - I've been there. This is the reality of much of inner-city America.
** Many years ago I tutored STEM for black youths; there were some who understood that education was their way out, but they were few on the ground. Most were there at the tutoring sessions because they had to be, and it was clear they wanted no part of working to better themselves. WHY is it this way? Lack of fathers, and a broader culture of sloth and despair, mixed with a toxic element of "We're entitled because slavery!" - all intentionally crafted by the Left to create a permanent vote base of dependents.
WakingTimes - This is the Real Reason So Many Americans Don't Want Gun Control
** Bring THE GRID down for two weeks. This problem will solve itself. But that's the thing; they literally have lost their survival instinct:
The Atrophy of Civilization
American Blackout 2013 - National Geographic
** I personally think that, in the length of time shown in this spec-fic piece by the National Geographic, it'll be a lot worse than this.
SultanKnish - The Culture War of Gun Control
** Well stated, factual, with evidence and logic... and completely foreign to the state-worshiping Left. More:
DemocraticPeace - 20th Century Mortacracies
NeoNeocon - The Weinstein octopus: what did they know and when did they know it?
** More:
Rush - The Harvey Weinstein Story: A Lesson on Liberalism
** They're after power, and they mean to use it. And they will, literally, bed with the devil if it results in money and power.
SperoNews - FBI finds new documents on Clinton-Lynch tarmac meeting
** I pull three things out of this:
1. That the FBI is ABSOLUTELY stonewalling here; it BEGS the question "What are they hiding?"
2. That the Obamanistas - not just Clinton - were utterly corrupt; look at the apparent widespread use of aliases in emails.
3. That the enemedia is absolutely complicit in this and completely in the enemy camp; it's the "dog that didn't bark". A perfect application of Rule Two.
Smallest Minority - This is public. Please share.
Steyn - Theory of the Case
** Two theories about Las Vegas. And isn't THIS just a tad suspicious:
InfoWars - FBI Wipes Phones And Laptops Of Las Vegas Massacre Eyewitnesses
The Federalist -
‘Feminist Economics’ Finally Admits The Goal Is Replacing Families With Government
** Quote:
"At its heart is one idea: Women are better off with government as our husbands, fathers, caretakers, and moral arbiters. Anything short is discriminatory against women.">> It's all about creating people who vote "D" by permanently connecting them to the government's teat.
Jeff Jacoby - If you can pay for aspirin, you can pay for birth control
** Quote:
By and large, birth control is inexpensive; as little as $20 a month without insurance. For low-income women who find that too onerous, the federal government's Title X program provides subsidized contraception to the tune of nearly $290 million per year. American women are not forced to choose between the Pill or the rent. And access to birth control, as the Centers for Disease Control reported in 2010, was virtually universal before Obamacare.>> If you are SO POOR that you can't pay $20-or-so a month for the pill, keep your damned legs shut. You have other problems you need to focus on.
NYPost -
Mob cheers on rape, killing of woman who served ‘forbidden fish’
** So tell me again, Leftards, that "all cultures are equal"? Sort-of related:
FrontpageMag - Taboo Truths About the Comanche
** You mean to tell me the "Native Americans" were NOT all living in peace and harmony and love and "social justice" until the White Devil showed up? And more on the so-believed "perfect" American societies before the eeeeevil white Europeans arrived:
The Federalist - Why 'Indigenous Peoples' Day' is Far Worse Than Columbus Day
** Blowing away the stereotypes, nuclear-style. Wow.
FrontpageMag - Getting Them Young
** They've been at this for DECADES; remember, they have a LONG GAME. More:
SultanKnish - New War Crimes in Germany
** Quote:
And so, given a choice between protecting women and sexual predators, the left chooses rapists.
>> Because, in the long term, the Muslims will outbreed the Leftist females concerned about rape. Remember, LONG GAME. And what truly irks me is that even with the news of an explosion of sexual assaults, women still vote for the Left that is admitting these rapists.
Political Islam - Bill Warner PhD: What I Admire about Islam
** Video, 5 minutes. Know your enemy. And he's got so many points, it's scary.
Instapundit - K-12 Implosion
** And then educators wonder why we're starting to hate their guts almost as much as the enemedia.
PJMedia - Alien Voter Sighting: Meet Kassiah Kamara
** And yet another example of what the Left claims doesn't exist. Or if it does, it's only onesie-twosie. Oh, well, they can't possibly actually switch elections even if they're in the hundreds... the excuses keep coming.
Invasion of the Leaf Peepers!
Found this one over at Vanderluen's American Digest.
Yah ... No I'm not doing that ... I'll wait till the proscribed weekend to gather up the leafy debris and burn it all to cinders.
Here's Another ... Black Rifle Coffee: Because America, That’s Why.
Yah ... No I'm not doing that ... I'll wait till the proscribed weekend to gather up the leafy debris and burn it all to cinders.
Here's Another ... Black Rifle Coffee: Because America, That’s Why.
Saturday, October 14, 2017
Rule 5 Saturday LinkOrama
Proof Positive - Friday Night Babe - Jennifer Esposito
Political Clown Parade - Flowing Curves Of Beauty
By Other Means - Tuesday Tap, Rack, and Bangand Seeing Red
Evi L. Bloggerlady - Hilarie Burton and Gropey Ben Affleck (also known as Buttman)
Ninety Miles From Tyranny - Hot Pick, Girls With Guns and Morning Mistress
Grouchy Old Cripple - Saturday Boobage
DoubleTroubleTwo - Happy Humpday !
The Feral Irishman - Humpday Evening Moezart
The Daley Gator - Daley Babe
Diogenes Middle Finger News - A Good Monday Morning and Fishnet Friday
Theo Spark - Samantha Hoopes Rocks Back & Forth In Curaçao | Irresistibles | Sports Illustrated Swimsuit
Your Crazy Uncle Bubba - Legs and Dresses
American Power - Kate Upton Irresistibles (VIDEO)
Woodsterman - Rule 5 Woodsterman Style
The Other McCain - Rule 5 Sunday
The Pirates Cove - If All You See ...
Friday, October 13, 2017
Wednesday, October 11, 2017
Top of the News
13 years after construction began, drivers on 128 look forward to the end
Senator Irrelevant develops case of butt hurt - The Daley Gator
Stand Back! Jimmeh Carter Wants to Go to North Korea and Talk to Kim Jung Un - IOTWreport
Mira Sorvino, Rosanna Arquette, and Asia Argento Share Their Accounts of Harvey Weinstein's Sexual Assault and Harassment - American Power
Jim Goad: “Indigenous Peoples Day exists (…) to honor those who were too technologically backward to defend their own land” - Five Feet of Fury
When Americans Voted To Make America Great Again...This Is How The Democrats Responded - 90 Miles From Tyranny
Shakedown Al is Eyeing ESPN - Diogenes Middle Finger News
The Real Handmaid's Tale - Proof Positive
Was Stephen Paddock set up? - Adrienne's Corner
Harvey Weinstein’s Fern Emporium - Political Clown Parade
Rose McGowan Accuses Ben Affleck of Lying In His Statement Claiming He Had No Idea - AoSHQ
In The Mailbox: 10.10.17 - The Other McCain
Nicole Malliotakis emerges from first New York mayoral debate as a credible alternative to incumbent Bill de Blasio - The Last Tradition
Raw Story: You Can Own More Guns Than Sex Toys In Texas Or Something - The Pirates Cove
Sunday, October 8, 2017
Saturday, October 7, 2017
Rule 5 Saturday LinkOrama
Proof Positive - Friday Night Babe - Serinda Swan
Political Clown Parade - Flowing Curves Of Beauty
By Other Means - Tuesday Tap, Rack, and Bang and Seeing Red
Evi L. Bloggerlady - Brie Larson: The Horror
Ninety Miles From Tyranny - Hot Pick, Girls With Guns and Morning Mistress
Grouchy Old Cripple - Saturday Boobage
DoubleTroubleTwo - Happy Humpday !
The Feral Irishman - Seeing "Red".. and it's not an antifa meeting
The Daley Gator - Daley Babe
Diogenes Middle Finger News - A Good Monday Morning and Fishnet Friday
Theo Spark - Gigi Hadid Takes You To Her Wet, Tahitian Paradise | Intimates | Sports Illustrated Swimsuit
Your Crazy Uncle Bubba - Dresses
American Power - Kate Upton in Fiji (VIDEO)
Woodsterman - Rule 5 Woodsterman Style
The Other McCain - Rule 5 Monday
The Pirates Cove - If All You See ...
Friday, October 6, 2017
Wednesday, October 4, 2017
Top of the News
RIP Tom Petty - The Daley Gator
Leftist Loon Instructor Shouts “Active Shooter” On Campus – Gets Arrested - IOTWreport
Laura Ingraham: 'It could be something as simple as something inside of him flipped...' - American Power
“He seemed broken hearted…” Tom Petty’s best song wasn’t a Tom Petty song - Five Feet of Fury
The Truth About The Las Vegas Shooting and Stephen Paddock - 90 Miles From Tyranny
Democrats Fly Into Action To Politicize Las Vegas - Diogenes Middle Finger News
John Kasich Contemplates Leaving the Republican Party ... if it doesn't get fixed. - Proof Positive
Las Vegas Shooting: God Bless America just one hour before massacre - Adrienne's Corner
In A Fallen World Marked By Human Depravity - Political Clown Parade
Is This Something? George Foreman Challenges Steven Seagall to MMA Fight - AoSHQ
In The Mailbox: 10.03.17 - The Other McCain
Liberalism: The Brain Eating Virus- Mark Dice - The Last Tradition
In The Wake Of Las Vegas, Democrats Have Lots Of Ideas Or Something - The Pirates Cove
Monday, October 2, 2017
Let's Not Jump to Conclusions
via IOTWreport - “Las Vegas attacker converted to Islam a few months ago”: Islamic State claims responsibility for attack
via AoSHQ - ISIS Doubles and Then Triples Down on Claim that Vegas Madman Was "Inspired" By Them
So, There You Have it ... Maybe Maybe's Maybe or Maybe Maybe Aint
via AoSHQ - ISIS Doubles and Then Triples Down on Claim that Vegas Madman Was "Inspired" By Them
They're claiming he converted to Islam six or seven months ago, and was one of theirs.
However, the FBI says there is no evidence at all of any linkage to any international terrorist group as of yet.
Also, important to note: While it had previously been true that ISIS hasn't admitted guilt in any attacks it wasn't actually guilty of (even if only if to directly "inspire" them), a reporter points out that recently, they've made two false claims.
So, There You Have it ... Maybe Maybe's Maybe or Maybe Maybe Aint
Sunday, October 1, 2017
Antifa Preparing for a War
I ask that you watch this video. And then watch it again. And then share it with people.
“Undercover in Antifa” by Steve Crowder
Two fundamental things here.
The first is
that these people are not flash-in-the-pan punks. When you start carrying weapons, stabbing
people (has happened, which represents an escalation from the shoving and punching), even bringing guns to an event… you’re preparing for a
war. You are not anticipating bad
things, you are PLANNING bad things.
When you have burner phones, anonymous handles, guerilla-levels of
distributed organization, you are planning VERY BAD THINGS. Consider this article, which I would call an open invitation to psychos to "do something": Berkeley Antifa Are
Targeting, Intimidating And Stalking College Republicans.
The second is the apparent, complete disinterest on the
part of the enemedia. These domestic
enemies are complicit in lulling the majority of the sheeple to sleep.
If the Antifa does, indeed, “do something” on a large
scale, e.g., their alleged plans for early November (the 4th?), the vast majority
of people will be taken completely unaware.
A former Marine friend (not as lean, not as mean, still a
Marine) has been practicing… 1” groups at 100 yards. I have a feeling that skill set will be
needed, and not in the distant future.
G-d help us all.
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