Guns, Impossibly Beautiful Women, Nice Rides and Politics


Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Top of the News

Trust Me — DOCTOR Jill Biden Has Already Worked Out a Modified 'Weekend at Bernie's' Plan - Kruiser
A favorite parlor game among American political junkies in 2024 is guessing just how and when the Democrats will "help" Joe Biden make a graceful exit from the presidential race. The guy can't walk 10 feet to a podium without committing dozens of mental and physical faux pas along the way, so it isn't a stretch to think that November must seem like a century away to those who have to measure time in Biden years.

Before I launch into this, I will issue my standard Election 2024 disclaimer. I have no special powers of prognostication when it comes to politics here in the Republic; anything can happen in these acid-trip, topsy-turvy times. My commentary arsenal consists solely of guesses based on 40 years of observation as a political activist.

Regular readers of mine know that I have been swimming upstream against the current of popular "replace Biden" conservative opinion, particularly the idea that Gavin Newsom will somehow be placed atop a unicorn and delivered magically to the ticket. As I've repeatedly written, there are way too many moving parts involved with removing the present vice president of the United States from the board.

Oh, I've heard all the theories; I just don't think any of them are plausible. When most conservatives speculate on what the Democrats might do, they apply conservative thinking to the Dems' motives. They don't realize how committed the Democrats are to celebrating the two diversity checkboxes their double historic first veep filled out for them.
In Other News


Fearful House Dems Initiate a “Stop Project 2025” Task Force - IOTW Report

The Biden administration and Israel - The New Neo


Cartoon Round Up - Theo Spark

Felon Biden ️ - Evi. L Bloggerlady

Crime in Oakland Preventing Roads From Being Paved - 357 Magnum

Colt Python vs. Smith & Wesson 686+ - The Truth About Guns

Worst States to be a Gun Owner (2024 Updated) -

Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark - 90 Miles From Tyranny

I Don't Know About Y'all, But I'm Kinda Enjoying It. - Diogenes Middle Finger News Service

Hunter Biden GUILTY on All Counts

Evidence Is Mounting Proving That Biden’s Executive Order Obviously Isn’t Stopping Flood of Illegals - Bongino Report

Newly Released Jan 6 Video Shows Pelosi Admitting Responsibility for Not Having National Guard at Capitol - Bongino Report

Texas, Montana Sue Biden Admin Over Gender-Transitioning Care Rule - Newsmax

It has started: FBI busts Tajik illegal alien terror ring plotting an ISIS-style 'Boston marathon'-like attack - American Thinker

Polls Says Even Hispanics Want Illegals Sent Back - The Lid

Even Hardcore Democrat Shitlib Propagandist Martha Raddatz Doesn't Believe Biden's Fake EO Will Reduce Immigration - AoSHQ

In The Mailbox: 06.10.24 - The Other McCain

Judge Cannon Rejects Trump Request in Classified Documents Case - Bongino Report

California Looks To Seize Profits From Oil Companies - The Pirates Cove

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