Guns, Impossibly Beautiful Women, Nice Rides and Politics


Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Top of the News

I'm Still Clinging to My Guns and Religion, Now More Than Ever - Stephen Kruiser - PJ Media
There is so much to be annoyed about when it comes to the Democrats that it is often difficult to narrow it down to one thing to write about in a column. This one is easy, however.

We are currently witnessing an old habit of the Democratic propagandists in the mainstream media that's been working overtime since the palace coup that created a lame duck president with a single tweet. There is some family feuding among the Dem elites that the dutiful MSM water-carriers are, for the most part, glossing over. The one notable exception would be the New York Times' Maureen Dowd, which my friend Ed Morrissey covered at our sister site HotAir.

The rule for MSM Dem loyalists is that internecine squabbles among Democrats are not to be discussed in public. Conversely, if two Beltway Republicans go to lunch and order something different, headlines will scream, "GOP Civil War!"

To the surprise of absolutely no one on the Right, His High Holiness the Lightbringer Barack Obama is in the acrimony mix. Rumor has it that the kicking of Joe Biden to the curb couldn't begin until B.H.O. gave it the green light.

Obama devotees love to attribute layers of depth and complexity to him. In reality, he's a Psych 101 textbook narcissist and therefore pretty easy to figure out. The lizards running all over my courtyard at this time of year aren't as shallow as Obama.

Shallow people tend to make great bigots, which is why Obama said that small town Midwesterners were "bitter" and that they "cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them," during his first campaign for president. He tried to walk back the comment in his second vanity memoir, but that cat wasn't returning to the bag.

Given Obama's history, it's a safe bet that he didn't have small town Democrats in mind when he offered the opinion. Also, given the simplistic worldview of leftists, it's not a stretch to believe that The Lightbringer was thinking about all conservatives at the time.

There are a lot of things that Democrats say about conservatives that are intended to be digs but we file under "Feature, Not a Bug" when they're directed at us. For example, "flag-waving" is used as an epithet by the lefties. Most of us are proud wavers of the American flag.

As far as guns and religion go, I don't think that there has ever been a time when I've thought it more important to cling to both.

"Buy ammo" is a common refrain among conservatives in this most important of election years. We've had plenty of experience with how the "mostly peaceful" leftists can behave on a whim. They tend to confine their riotous behavior to blue urban areas where local law enforcement has been neutered by the raging progressives who run things. That's a societal plague that's sure to spread in the not-too-distant future.

I obviously don't want to go out and get mixed up in that lunacy. Should it come to my doorstep, however, I will be prepared. Since I live in a fairly blue city, I'm sure it will come a knockin' should Donald Trump win in November.

A conversation that I've had with a lot of conservative friends lately is about how important faith will be if the Democrats hang onto the White House. We all place faith at the center of our lives, of course, which is why we realize that it is essential to look at the bigger, more eternal picture if it looks as if the United States as we know it is doomed. Even for people of deep faith, that kind of focus may not be easy for those who have also spent their lives as "flag-waving" Americans.

I'm writing this on Tuesday night and, just this morning I was reflecting on the fact that my interior life is going to need to "get back in shape" for any eventuality, but especially if Madame Veep is ushered into the White House by — DARE I SAY IT — suspicious means.

Thankfully, I am a Roman Catholic who lives in Tucson, AZ, so it's never difficult for me to find a church, a place that sells ammo, or a range.

Time to cling harder and start getting in better shape.
In Other News


How many charging stations are there in Chechnya? - IOTW Report

Those “experts” rate the presidents - The New Neo


Historians are always worth listening to - Theo Spark

Democrat Andy Beshear Wants To See J.D. Vance's Family Raped ️ - Evi. L Bloggerlady

The Washington Post versus Kamala Harris - 357 Magnum

News Website Calls For Repeal of Second Amendment - The Truth About Guns

Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark - 90 Miles From Tyranny

Miss Mendacity 2024 - Diogenes Middle Finger News Service

Kamala Harris Backs Out of Fox News Debate

As Expected: Hamas Rejects Biden Ceasefire Deal - Bongino Report

Biden DOJ Asks SCOTUS To Stop Arizona From Requiring Proof Of Citizenship to Vote in 2024 Election - Bongino Report

House Probes Left-Wing Org. Over Voter Registrations - Newsmax

Could help be on the way ... from RFK, Jr.? - American Thinker

Texas Defies Feds, Triples Razor Wire, Continues Building Border Wall - The Lid

House Report: Despite the Lies of Biden and His Marxist Media Defenders, He Did Change Ukraine Policy to Help Hunter's "Business" Partners - AoSHQ

In The Mailbox: 08.20.24 - The Other McCain

Pelosi Says The Quiet Part Out Loud About Forcing Biden Out of Race - Bongino Report

Weird: Climate Cult Group Fails To Mention “Climate” In Kamala Support Ad - The Pirates Cove

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