Thursday, December 19, 2019

Possibly the Best Headline of the Day

So Far ... via Wirecutter

Porch Pirates Beware

Taking care of business himself before the cops show up and UPS his ass -- Knuckledraggin My Life Away

Stand by ...

via PJ Media

Ole Mitch Ain't Wistlin Dixie Neither

Meanwhile in the U.S. Senate: 'Cocaine Mitch' Spent Impeachment Day Cranking Out Trump Judges. -- Victoria Taft

The pace was breathtaking. As congressional representatives clamored for face time in what looked like a suit-and-tie version of televised speed dating during the impeachment debate, things were moving even more rapidly in the U.S. Senate. Look at this — Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell moved forward another batch of President Trump's judicial appointments.

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