Guns, Impossibly Beautiful Women, Nice Rides and Politics


Saturday, March 24, 2018

Rule 5 Saturday LinkOrama

Genie Bouchard

Proof Positive - Friday Night Babe - Christina Ochoa

Political Clown Parade - Flowing Curves Of Beauty

By Other Means - Tuesday Tap, Rack, and Bang and Seeing Red

Evi L. Bloggerlady - Haley Clauson

Ninety Miles From Tyranny - Hot Pick, Girls With Guns and Morning Mistress

Grouchy Old Cripple - Saturday Boobage

Irons in the Fire - It's Friday, once again,

The Feral Irishman - Friday Femme Fatale

The Daley Gator - Daley Babe

Diogenes Middle Finger News - A Good Monday Morning and Fishnet Friday

Theo Spark - Georgia Gibbs Takes You Away To Her Secret Aruba Hideaway

Knuckledraggin' My Life Away - I’m sure she’s taken, men

American Power - Sara Jean Underwood

Woodsterman - Rule 5 Woodsterman Style

The Other McCain - Rule 5 Sunday

The Pirates Cove - If All You See ...

Wired Right - A Beautiful End to the Day


  1. Thanks for the linkage :-). Are you getting sick of this New England weather yet ? ;-)

    1. I'm holding out for spring. We'll get tomatoes in by mid June. No one will remember how cold it gets. If it was always nice, then the tourists would never go home ... Thanks for stopping by

    2. I hit my "I'm sick of winter" limit in January...

  2. Thank you for linking.
