- Guest Blogger Nitzakhon
I made reference in my essay The Leftist Sense of Self to two instances, among many in my life, where I heard something that didn’t match my current set of beliefs. Uttering those two magic words That’s weird... I investigated and often found myself changing my mind upon the discovery of new information. So in full disclosure, I used to be a Warmist, strongly believing that CO2 emissions were a dire threat to the biosphere on earth from a runaway greenhouse effect.
I made reference in my essay The Leftist Sense of Self to two instances, among many in my life, where I heard something that didn’t match my current set of beliefs. Uttering those two magic words That’s weird... I investigated and often found myself changing my mind upon the discovery of new information. So in full disclosure, I used to be a Warmist, strongly believing that CO2 emissions were a dire threat to the biosphere on earth from a runaway greenhouse effect.
No longer.
I was educated in,
and still work in, a STEM-related field. I am driven by data, by
logic, and make a good-faith effort to work from facts to come to a
conclusion – not jump to a conclusion and then collect facts to
justify that conclusion. While I have enough education and experience
to be able to have flashes of insight based on a few facts – with
an occasionally-annoying-to-others propensity to be right almost all
the time – I wait until the facts are in, or at least in strong
preponderance, before recommending a course of action. And on
occasion I have found that my pet theory on something was, in fact,
wrong as shown by the evidence. So I changed my mind.
Regarding the topic
at hand: as I started to pay attention, drawn to the topic by
multiple factors, I found my bullsh*t meter pegging out so hard the
needle got bent.
This, of course,
begs the question WHY did I change my mind?
Back in the late
1990s there was a study by economist John
Lott on the effects of concealed carry and what happens when
states pass Shall Issue laws. The effect
he found was stark and clear: concealed carry reduces crime. See his
book More
Guns, Less Crime. Of course this is no surprise to people on
the Right. But naturally this was a political hot potato; he was
viciously attacked by claims his research was flawed, biased, etc. So
– and I hold this to be the very zenith of openness – he offered
his data set, copies of his notes in developing his analytical
technique, and copies of the analysis model itself to anyone who
asked, including his critics.
And that’s the
critical point. He shared his data, even with critics, because
he was interested in the truth. Consider another example: the German
scientist who researched NASA’s data and found systematic
adjustments of the data to create warming trends artificially.
Relevant to this section is this quote from the article
(I’ll refer back to his analysis later):
All datasets are
available to the public at any time. The studies by Prof. Ewert may
be requested by e-mail: ewert.fk (at) t-online.de.
Compare and contrast
the openness, above, to this
instance of concealment of data, one of many I’ve read over the
years where Warmists actively fought sharing their data and methods
with people who aren’t dedicated to The Cause (a term
used in the infamous Climategate emails). Don’t forget Phil
Jones preferring
to delete data files rather than let climate change skeptics see
them. And recently Michael Mann, of the infamous “Hockey Stick
Graph” fame, refused
to provide his data in a trial to bolster his own case in suing
someone who he claimed had defamed him (bolding added):
[Mann] has bought
himself time till 2019 and his lawyers can continue to deny
jurors (and Joe Public) access to his disputed data in
this protracted legal battle that has already eaten up six years and
millions in legal fees.
Michael Mann’s
“work” is the subject of the great book, A
Disgrace to the Profession, by Mark Steyn; Dr. Ball, the
target of the lawsuit, has his own book out, The
Deliberate Corruption of Climate Science.
So pause and think.
This guy – whose work is foundational to virtually the entire
Warmist argument – claims Dr. Ball is defaming him by saying
his research is a fraud… but he refuses to release for outside
examination the data and analytical techniques being criticized,
preferring to risk losing the lawsuit rather than reveal to the world
evidence that could vindicate his claim of defamation.
For me, this is the
fundamental issue driving my changed view; the other ones I present
are merely gravy: Any researcher who refuses to have their results
questioned, their data and data collection methods reviewed, and
their analytical models examined for robustness and trialed for
replication is de facto a fraud
and their results cannot be trusted.
(For a broader look
at fraud in science in general, try this book: The
Great Betrayal: Fraud in Science.)
capitalism time: Link attached to the image above goes to a coffee
mug; also available in T-shirts.
Yes, I own the cartoon. Another mug is below – let me know if you
want T-shirts and I can put them up.)
When skeptics are
under house arrest to avoid them raising uncomfortable questions,
it’s not a science. And when people scream that skeptics need to be
and tried, even executed,
it’s not a science. Consider these multiple links within this
F. Kennedy Jr. has called for punishing and imprisoning
dissenters. Bill Nye endorsed such
a call just last week. And while it’s easy to dismiss Kennedy
and Nye as famous crackpots, Attorney General Loretta Lynch admitted
that there had been discussions about prosecuting climate
dissenters. And that materials had been passed along to the FBI.
Meanwhile, many
notable scientists in the field have changed
their minds away from the alarmism:
[T]here are many
outstanding scientists who have bothered to actually examine this
issue, and have come to the obvious conclusion that there is much
less to the story of gloom and doom than is popularly asserted. Many
started as supporters of alarm but came to change their minds.
Back in high school
Physics I first became familiar with the phrase “First draw your
curve, then plot your reading.” With high school and even college
science classes being, essentially, deterministic and the
foundational implanting of basics, we pretty much knew what to
expect. Thus, a little fudging-in of errors, and Voila! we had
our lab report with a cursory actual set of experiments. But we were
amateurs. For masters of that technique, we need to look at NASA and
NOAA among others. In Global
Warming Hoax: German Scientist Finds Evidence That NASA Manipulated
Climate Data (which I referenced above), we see one of the
huge problems here (bolding added):
When the publicly
available data that was archived in 2010 is compared with the data
supplied by NASA in 2012, there is a clear difference between the
two. The GISS has been retroactively changing past data to
make it appear that the planet is warming, especially after the year
1950. In reality, the original data shows that the planet
has actually been getting colder throughout the latter half of the
20th century. Overall, 10 different statistical methods have been
used to change the climate’s trajectory from cooling to warming.
It’s easy to find
a trend when you torture the data to put one in. Quoting the source
paper this
article is based upon (bolding added):
In this research
report, the most important surface data adjustment issues are
identified and past changes in the previously reported historical
data are quantified. It was found that each new
version of GAST has nearly always exhibited a steeper warming linear
trend over its entire history. And, it was nearly always
accomplished by systematically removing the previously existing
cyclical temperature pattern. This was true for all
three entities providing GAST data measurement, NOAA, NASA and Hadley
As a result, this
research sought to validate the current estimates of GAST using the
best available relevant data. This included the best documented and
understood data sets from the U.S. and elsewhere as well as global
data from satellites that provide far more extensive global coverage
and are not contaminated by bad siting and urbanization impacts.
Satellite data integrity also benefits from having cross checks with
Balloon data.
The conclusive findings
of this research are that the three GAST data sets are not a valid
representation of reality. In fact, the magnitude of their
historical data adjustments, that removed their cyclical temperature
patterns, are totally inconsistent with published and credible
U.S. and other temperature data. Thus, it is impossible to
conclude from the three published GAST data sets that recent years
have been the warmest ever – despite current claims of record
setting warming.
Real Climate Science
has an ongoing
series of posts showing dramatic instances where temperature
records are being altered, with 100% of the alterations amplifying –
or outright creating – warming trends. Here’s a specific
article from that site, and more on altered
data. NOAA has also been caught
outright tweaking data. And they’re not
even hiding it. (And now we’re starting to learn that older
data isn’t trustworthy.)
Now let me be calm;
data sometimes does need to be “cleaned up”. In the course of my
own career I’ve needed to do that on occasion – sometimes data
does need adjustment. But in this case, I find three things being
outright suspicious:
- That, according to my recollection of reading articles about these adjustments, the original data sets are being over-written in some cases. This is a fundamental no-no. That it is done once could be accidental; that it is, apparently, being done multiple times has to be intentional.
- All of the adjustments go only one way. That defies even a basic knowledge of how things work on a statistical level – by just randomness, some adjustments should go the other way.
- To my knowledge there has been no rigorous, let alone replicated, accounting for how the data was adjusted and why it was necessary to do so.
I do know this: If I
had ever overwritten the original data, or had adjustments or
clean-ups I could not explain to people wanting to confirm my results
based on my notes, or tried to use data that was questionable in
accuracy, my work would have immediately been deemed worthless by my
colleagues. For “climate science”, however, what would be
unacceptable anywhere else is standard practice.
A theory needs to be
testable, and failing the test, is falsified. One of the most famous
examples of this was Einstein’s General Relativity which predicts
that a gravity field can bend light. Known as gravitational lensing,
the theory was tested in a
famous experiment. Had the test failed, General Relativity would
have had to – at best – undergone significant revision… if not
been outright proven wrong. In other words, a theory must say “If
this theory is true, these predictions must be testable” –
whether true or false. So consider a
prediction by one of the leaders of the Warmist movement, Dr.
James Hansen:
Since then we’ve
had a continued expansion of fossil fuel use, as in his most alarmist
scenario. Given that amount of CO2 emissions, his prediction was that
by now, temperatures would have gone up by five degrees Fahrenheit,
or about 3°C.
nothing like that has happened. Despite the fact that millions of
folks believed his prediction in 1988 and continue to listen to him
today, the UAH MSU satellite data says that since 1988 it’s warmed
by … well … about a third of a degree. Not three degrees. A third
of a degree. He was wrong by an order of magnitude.
So obviously, he desperately needs an excuse for this colossal
When you’re off by
a factor of ten it’s time for a person interested in the truth
to step back and say “You know, maybe I’m wrong.”
Predictions are for
worse hurricanes. Wrong.
Worse tornadoes. Wrong.
The Arizona and California droughts that are the “new normal”?
and wrong.
Melting ice caps? Wrong.
Polar bears going extinct? Wrong.
Hot spot in the upper atmosphere (a critical element central to all
models)? Wrong.
Glaciers retreating everywhere? Wrong.
So, basically,
“climate change” predicts
that it will be – simultaneously – warmer, colder, wetter, drier,
stormier, and calmer. How can it be falsified? And speaking of
falsification, take a look at this graph:
The models,
considered the unquestionable Holy Writ, differ from actual
temperatures by a confidence
interval of more than 95%, which is a standard scientific term
for “We’re pretty sure they’re different”. This brings to
mind a quote
by Richard Feynman, a Nobel Prize winning physicist:
It doesn't matter
how beautiful your theory is, it doesn't matter how smart you are. If
it doesn't agree with experiment, it's wrong.
The theory (models)
do not agree with the experiments (real-world measurements). They’re
wrong. Now, of course, comes the shift to say that falsifiability –
a fundamental aspect of the scientific method – doesn’t
need to be applied here. WHAM! BS meter pegs out again.
And one more thing
about falsifiability is the name changing. It was “global warming”,
but then it became “climate change” when it became clear there
was a years-long hiatus in warming. Now it’s shifting to “climate
instability” or “climate extremes”. If you need to keep
changing the name of what you’re screaming about, well… that’s
marketing, not science.
Just look at this
ice core data showing temperatures were warmer than today:
So it was warmer
during the Roman period; was it the SUVs “Roman” around the
world? Before that, during the Minoan civilization, it was warmer
still – it must have been the Atlantean coal plants. When the
changes claimed match, or are exceeded by, natural variations in the
past in both range and rate, any changes being seen now cannot be
differentiated from nature.
levels in earth’s past were far,
far higher than they are now – and life thrived. If CO2
is going to be the “End of life on earth!!!!!!!!” how did plants
get exposed to that higher level to handle it in the first place?
(More shameless
capitalism: Image links to a mug!)
Two videos, one
by Greenpeace’s founder Patrick Moore and one
by Bill Whittle, bring up difficult questions that Warmists
simply cannot answer without pretzel logic (though they try). And
here’s a BBC video, The
Great Global Warming Swindle. From that video, pay particular
attention to the Danish examination of temperatures vs. sunspots
(discussion starting at 30:39;
amazing graph at 33:37);
Professor Ian Clark, Department of Earth Sciences at the University
of Ottowa, said – upon seeing this correlation between cosmic rays
hitting the earth and temperature records:
“I’ve never
seen such vastly different records coming together to show, really,
what was happening over that long period of time”.
For me it’s stark:
two completely disparate data sets matching up so well, over 500
million years… not a coincidence.
Incidentally, it was
the Warmists’ outright dismissal that variations in the sun’s
output could affect climate that first set off my That’s
weird… response and attention-paying to the topic. Given
that the radiative conduction of heat is a function of temperature to
the fourth power - i.e., T4, I could not believe the glib
dismissal, or assurances of “that’s been taken into account”.
(For example, the sun’s surface temperature is roughly 5500
Kelvin. A hike of just 50 degrees C could result in a 3.7%
increase in temperature transfer to the earth. A 100 degree change in
the sun’s temperature… and remember, the sun is a seething,
dynamic tempest… leads to a potential 7.5% change in radiation heat
The original “97%
of climate scientists agree… blah blah blah” sound bite was –
aside, do you also find it funny how Leftists always argue on the
basis of sound bites – boiled down, based on 77
of 79 papers deemed worthy by the author of the paper making the
In fact, the “97
percent” statistic was drawn from an even smaller subset: the 79
respondents who were both self-reported climate scientists and had
“published more than 50% of their recent peer-reviewed papers on
the subject of climate change.” These 77 scientists agreed that
global temperatures had generally risen since 1800, and that human
activity is a “significant contributing factor.”
A later paper by
John Cook down in Australia revealed other flaws in this statistic
(bolding added):
In an analysis of
12,000 abstracts, he found “a 97% consensus among papers taking a
position on the cause of global warming in the peer-reviewed
literature that humans are responsible.” “Among papers taking a
position” is a significant qualifier: Only 34 percent of
the papers Cook examined expressed any opinion about anthropogenic
climate change at all. Since 33 percent appeared to endorse
anthropogenic climate change, he divided 33 by 34 and — voilà —
97 percent!
several scientists whose work Cook cited stated that their results
had been misrepresented. His paper was accused
of being fraudulent… and he took no action (bolding added, link
in original):
Duarte, expert in Social Psychology, Scientific Validity, and
Research Methods, has actually called the Cook paper “multiply
fraudulent”, and, as far as I know, Cook has taken no action to
challenge the claim. This, as much as anything else, shows just what
a con trick the whole business was. How many scientists,
after all, would accept being called fraudulent without taking
Like the Michael
Mann case, above… someone calls you a fraud, and you don’t do
everything to counter that attack on your integrity? BS meter
peg-out. Another great takedown of Cook’s paper is here: The
97% Cook Consensus – when will Environ Res Letters retract it?.
There is no such
thing as consensus in science. Things get overturned all the time,
for example the consensus on salt
and fat
in our diets; in the latter case, the push to demonize fat was
bought and paid for. (And if we can’t understand the human
body, we definitely can’t understand the entire planet.) Remember
continental drift, and how the originator
of that was derided:
“Utter, damned
rot!” said the president of the prestigious American Philosophical
“If we are to
believe [this] hypothesis, we must forget everything we have learned
in the last 70 years and start all over again,” said another
American scientist.
Anyone who
“valued his reputation for scientific sanity” would never dare
support such a theory, said a British geologist.
It is the pride, the
hubris, that things are known to within a gnat’s ass without
a scintilla of doubt or wondering “Have I missed something?”
that… WHAM! pegged out my BS meter again.
Consider the comedy
of shoreline-resort-developing,
Warmist Leonardo DiCaprio flying
commercial – likely because he couldn’t find a private jet as
they’d already been booked. Look at Warmists selecting luxurious
locations for conferences, with people flying in on private jets
– lots of private
jets. Now, of course, we find out that Al Gore, who can be
accused of fabricating the crisis for personal
profit, has a home that uses
electricity by the metric f*ckton. They even admit
their hypocrisy.
I’ll quote (from
memory) the Instapundit,
Glenn Reynolds:
“I’ll believe
it’s a crisis when those who claim it’s a crisis act like it’s
a crisis.”
It’s about virtue
signaling, nothing more.
A recent
paper points to temperature being a function of atmospheric
temperature and solar irradiance. Another
paper suggests changes and shifts in earth’s orbit affect the
climate, as does cosmic
radiation as modulated by the sun’s activity as noted above.
And there are surely other things I’ve missed.
With all these
peer-reviewed papers highlighting other potential factors to why
earth’s climate shifts, the obsession with man-produced CO2
to the exclusion of everything else on this
cycles-within-cycles-within-cycles planet and solar system is very
suspicious. Why? The above are independent of humanity,
leading to...
So what’s it
really about? What are most things about on this scale? Money:
Climate change
alarmism has become a $1.5-trillion-a-year industry – which
guarantees it is far safer and more fashionable to pretend a 97%
consensus exists, than to embrace honesty and have one’s global
warming or renewable energy funding go dry.
Entire academic
departments, whole think tanks and research organizations, not to
mention “carbon sequestration/offset” industries have been formed
based on this. That’s a lot of lobbying pull to continue the flow
of money – and all gone if CO2 is not the
controlling knob. There’s an axiom in research:
Results of
research will be biased towards those that continue the flow of grant
After all, how does
marketing for any product or service work? Create a demand, very
often through the creation of a perceived crisis, and then fill it.
What you think was really behind Al Gore’s book and movie… we’re
talking multi-millions.
It’s also about
ideology: Socialism.
To save the planet we’ll need to give up private
property. We’ll need to redistribute
wealth. It would require a categorical reduction in human
civilization and lifestyle.
And they openly
state they want to leverage the crisis to shift to Marxism:
"This is the
first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves
the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change
the economic development model that has been reigning for at least
150 years, since the Industrial Revolution," she said in
anticipation of last year's Paris climate summit.
"This is
probably the most difficult task we have ever given ourselves, which
is to intentionally transform the economic development model for the
first time in human history."
There’s a reason
today’s environmentalist whackos are nicknamed “watermelons” –
green outside, red inside. H.L.
Mencken said it very well:
The urge to save
humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule.
And they do
intend to rule; and while we eke out a living on sustainable
algae cakes, they will sup on dainties and live in luxury. All to
save the planet from the crisis they fabricated.
A great article is
Global Warming Denier, another is Why
I'm a Global Warming Skeptic. A fantastic series of articles
here, The
Greatest Scientific Fraud of All Time. And Climate
Depot, WattsUpWithThat,
and Real Climate Science
are all daily must-reads. Got any others? Leave them in the comments.
(To victory!)
nitzakhon (at)
Very Good Job
ReplyDeleteThanks for the facts and keeping the rest of us informed.
Kevin GD
anyone hiding their source data MUST be assumed a liar.