Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Top of the News

Who's the Threat to 'Democracy'? - Chris Queen - PJ Media
It’s almost become a cliché today when someone on the left calls Donald Trump a “threat to our democracy.” Never mind that we’re a republic; the breathless left wants you to believe that Trump will usher in some sort of dictatorship.

Over the past nearly four years (and the eight Obama years), we’ve seen what the left wants to do with power. Democrats have weaponized the federal government against conservatives and anyone else who threatens Democrat power, and Obama and Joe Biden have used their presidential bully pulpit to tell the world that we're terrible people for opposing them.

Millions of Democrats voted for Biden for reelection in the 2024 primaries, yet the party subverted democracy by pushing him out and installing Kamala Harris — who not only didn’t win any delegates this year but didn’t win any when she ran in 2020 — as the nominee. And Harris is giving us a clear idea of what she wants to do with “our democracy.”

In a recent interview, Harris said that she wants to explore the idea of getting rid of the filibuster to pass radical abortion legislation in the Senate
In Other News

GANG WARS AMERICA? - The Daley Gator

Former New York Judge Kills Himself As FBI Arrive to Arrest Him - IOTW Report

Israel strikes targets in Lebanon - The New Neo


‘He Targeted My Child For Sexual Exploitation’: The Persecution Of Christians, August 2024 - BLAZINGCATFUR

Critical Drinker : The Penguin ️ - Evi. L Bloggerlady

Self-Defense Is Legal in Michigan - 357 Magnum

A Crazy Man and His Crazy Gun: Would-Be Trump Assassin’s Rifle Details Revealed - The Truth About Guns

Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark - 90 Miles From Tyranny

People Ask Why Democrats Vote Against Election Integrity Assurances. - Diogenes Middle Finger News Service

Soros-Backed Organizations Leverage Waves Of Migrants To Sway Elections

FCC Moving With "Unprecedented" Speed to Approve Soros Takeover of 200+ Radio Stations Before Election - Bongino Report

Bill Barr Suggest Ominous Purpose for DOJ's Release of Trump Would-Be Assassin's Letter Offering Bounty to Other Potential Assassins - Bongino Report

Judge Cannon Gets Case of Alleged Would-Be Trump Assassin - Newsmax

Commentary: Battleground voters agree, ‘Democrat party’ tops the list as ‘biggest enemy’ of America - American Thinker

Not Just Ohio: Biden-Harris Have Flown Hundreds of Thousands of Haitians All Across the Country - The Lid

Foreign Election Interference: Democrats Airlift Ukranian Dictator Zelensky to Campaign for Kamala Harris and the Chinese Communist Agent Tim Walz - AoSHQ

The Slow Death of Kamala’s ‘Joy’ - The Other McCain

Biden Defends Botched Afghanistan Withdrawal In Final United Nations Speech - Bongino Report

Climate (scam) Policy Could Force Restaurants To Shrink Portion Sizes - The Pirates Cove

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