Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Top of the News

You Won't Believe What the Commies Did This Time
Two Boeing planes crashed in a five-month period between 2018 and 2019. One was in Ethiopia, and the other was in Indonesia. The combined disasters killed 346 people.

On Monday, Boeing agreed to plead guilty to a criminal fraud conspiracy charge. If a judge approves of the agreement, the Boeing company will somehow become a "convicted felon," according to Reuters. Boeing will also pay a fine of $243.6 million.

FACT-O-RAMA! Boeing made $76,442,000,000 (that's over $76 billion) in the 12 months ending on March 31, 2024, which was a year-over-year increase of 8.37%.

If this percentage calculator is correct, that fine is a mere 0.31% of what Boeing made last year despite hundreds of passengers dying on their planes. Why would the feds slap Boeing's wrist for feloniously killing 346 people?

REMINDER-O-RAMA! Boeing has been a major player in the military industrial-complex for decades.

Here is the fun part. A commie judge in New York City fined Trump $354 million — more than $450 million with interest — for allegedly overvaluing his Mar a-Lago home to secure a loan, which he paid back on time. There were no actual victims of Trump's supposed "crime." Flames did not engulf and burn 346 people to death. But this is the Soviet Union in 1935 United States of America in 2024, and those things don't matter. The pinkos in charge decided Trump's "crime" was worth roughly $111 million more in fines than Boeing's for killing of hundreds of people.

How did we get to this point?
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