Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Top of the News

Popcorn: Hunter Biden's Ex-Stripper Baby Mama to Publish Tell-All in August
The 2024 United States Presidential Election Circus continues to keep all three rings busy 24/7 with stuff to watch. The one certainty that we can count on is that we are not going to be bored between now and November.

One of the biggest assists that Joe Biden got from mainstream and social media in 2020 was the brutal effectiveness with which they swept the news of his boy Hunter's laptop under the rug. In fact, they insisted that it wasn't even real. If any of us in conservative media dared mention it, we were silenced and de-platformed. Even the New York Post got booted from social media for having the audacity to publish the very real news about it.

Whether it would have changed anything is impossible to know now, but the unmitigated sleaziness of Hunter Biden might have been off-putting to those soccer moms who flocked to his daddy in that election.
In Other News


CNN Preps Viewers for “Worst Case Scenario” - IOTW Report

What do you get when you cross Alice’s trial with Kafka’s The Trial? Judge Merchan charging the NY jury in the Trump case, that’s what - The New Neo


Cartoon Round Up - Theo Spark

MAGA Meltdown: Bobby DeNiro Rages Outside Trump Trial ️ - Evi. L Bloggerlady

Memorial Day - The Unofficial Start of Summer in Chicago - 357 Magnum

The Shooting Drill You’re Most Likely To Actually Use In Self Defense - The Truth About Guns

2nd Amendment Grades for Alabama's 2024 Political Candidates -

Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark - 90 Miles From Tyranny

The Rise of the ‘Never Bidens’ - Diogenes Middle Finger News Service

Denied: Judge Rejects Special Counsel Jack Smith's Motion to Gag Trump

Judge Merchan Tells Jury Not to Consider Whether a Conviction Would Send Trump to Jail - Bongino Report

SCOTUS Rejects "Creepy Porn Lawyer" Michael Avenatti’s Bid to Overturn Conviction - Bongino Report

Judge Throws Out N.H. Law Limiting Teaching of 'Divisive Topics' - Newsmax

Media zombie wonders how Americans could possibly vote for President Trump - American Thinker

WATCH: Actor Dennis Quaid to Vote for Trump after Joe Biden’s ‘Weaponization of Justice System’ - The Lid

Witness Tampering? Joe Biden Drops In For Surprise Visit on Beau Biden's Ex-Wife and Hunter's Former Slam-Piece Hallie Biden, Just Before Trial In Which She Will be a Key Witness - AoSHQ

In The Mailbox: 05.28.24 (Morning Edition) - The Other McCain

Michigan Is In Play, and Trump And Biden Can Thank Rashida Tlaib - Bongino Report

Ethics Scholar Looks At How Your Carbon Footprint Causes Conflict Or Something - The Pirates Cove

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