Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Top of the News

Trump Wins New Hampshire Republican Primary
The result was widely expected, though the margin wasn't easily predicted. Prior to Ron DeSantis dropping out of the race, Trump reportedly had a roughly 10-point lead. Back in December, polls showed her much closer.

Haley's campaign bet on a strong showing in Iowa but she came in third. She really needed a win in New Hampshire, or at least a strong second-place showing, to justify continuing her campaign. It is an indisputable landslide victory assuming Trump holds at 55% or more.

There is clearly no path for victory for Nikki Haley, and it's time for Republicans to unite behind Trump and focus on defeating the radical left in November. And believe me, the left is terrified of losing the 2024 election and is trying every scheme possible to hold onto the White House. Here at PJ Media, we’ll continue to expose these attacks on our democracy, and you can bet they will get worse as we get closer to the 2024 election. By becoming a VIP member, you’ll directly support our hard-hitting journalism and commentary and give us the tools we need to fight back against the censors.

Meanwhile, the Democratic primary results have no declared winner yet.
In Other News

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Charles Osgood, RIP️ - Evi. L Bloggerlady

Don't Bring a Chainsaw to a Gunfight - 357 Magnum

Bookworm Beat 1/19/24: The déjà vu all over again illustrated edition - Bookworm Room

Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark - 90 Miles From Tyranny

America’s Elites are a Dangerous Fringe Group - Diogenes Middle Finger News Service

Biden Wins New Hampshire Democrat Primary

Audio Recording Reveals Arizona's Top Republican Official Trying to Bribe Kari Lake Not to Run for Senate - Bongino Report

Hamas Rejects Israel's Proposal for Two-Month Ceasefire, Hostage-Prisoner Swap - Bongino Report

Ohio Senate Looks to Override DeWine's Trans Veto - Newsmax

USA Today bellyaches about the lack of censorship and the proliferation of truth - American Thinker

HILARIOUS: Hard-Left ‘Democratic Socialists’ Org Feeling The Pain After Hamas Protests - The Lid

Pierre Poilievre, The Likely Next (Conservative) PM of Canada, Bans WEF Members From Having Any Place in the Conservative Party - AoSHQ

Democratic Socialists of America Now Planning Layoffs Amid Financial ‘Crisis’ - The Other McCain

Life's Great Mysteries: CNN Can't Figure Out Why People Don't Like VP Harris - Bongino Report

Is Nikki Haley Going Climate Cult? - The Pirates Cove

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