Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Top of the News

Here's Why the Harvard President's Resignation Letter Set Off the Plagiarism Klaxons Again
Gay was pressured to leave the president's office because someone — many someones — was thoroughly embarrassed by her performance in front of Congress recently. UPenn's president skedaddled and went quietly right after the testimony.

Gay's equally awful performance, in which the Ivy League president couldn't tell the difference between free speech and threatening genocide against Jews, caused some to wonder if zombies had taken over academia (asked and answered). After that, more questions came. How could someone that clueless be Harvard's president — their inner voices screamed?

Then they started reading her scholarly writing. Not only did she fail to publish any books about her woke studies, but the thin number of papers she did write was also filled with the stolen ideas and words of others without attribution. That's called plagiarism, and it used to be grounds for outright dismissal, but for the complete collapse of academic standards at what used to be a premier American university.

And now her resignation letter was pinning the plagiarometer.
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