Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Top of the News

As Bidenomics Screws the Private Sector, Biden Gives Federal Workers Big Raise
Thanks to Bidenomics, Americans are struggling to make ends meet. Food, gas, and other essentials cost significantly more today than they did under Trump. Things are so bad that voters on both sides of the aisle say that Biden's policies have hurt them financially. According to the House Budget Committee, "the average family of four is paying $15,222 more per year for the same goods and services than when Biden first took office."

In these tough times, it would be nice if Joe Biden embraced policies that would actually help the average American family. Instead, while Bidenomics is emptying Americans' wallets, federal workers are getting yet another raise. Federal employees are getting an average pay raise of 5.2%, which is the biggest increase in federal workers' salaries since the Carter administration.

"The salary hike for the federal civilian workforce of close to 2.2 million people is the heftiest since a 9.1 percent average raise in 1980. It’s 0.6 percentage points higher than last year’s increase, which itself was the highest in two decades, and will take effect in the first full pay period of 2024, starting Jan. 14 for most federal employees," reports the Washington Post. "Biden’s executive order is the final step in the annual process of determining how much government workers will be paid the following year. That process has often featured a divisive debate in Congress over the value of federal workers and what they should earn compared to their private sector counterparts."
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