Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Top of the News

If You Thought Harvard's Commie President Was Going To Be Fired, You Still Don't Get It

... Putting things in context though, where it fits the appropriate narrative, still gets you shoved under the friggin Crimson bus.
In a real world of real consequences, Harvard's el Presidente, Claudine Gay, would have been sent to the showers for not condemning calls for the eradication of Jews on Harvard's hateful campus.

But that isn't the world in which we live. We dwell in a time when a neo-commie like Miss/Ms./Herr Gay (I don't want to assume gender) can sit on her affirmative inaction hands and allow students to call for the murder of every Jew on the planet, Janet, and keep her job because woke, yo!

“She is a scholar of uncommon creativity and rigor, with a strong working knowledge of the opportunities and challenges facing the FAS,” claimed the previous Harvard president, Lawrence Bacow. “She radiates a concern for others, and for how what we do here can help improve lives far beyond our walls.”

The "scholar of uncommon creativity" hacked a piece of her thesis and got away with it. The woman who "radiates a concern for others" is A-OK with calls for Jewish genocide.

In Other News

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Helping a Highland Hoof️ - Evi. L Bloggerlady

US Students' Math Scores Fall to All-Time Low - 357 Magnum

Bookworm Beat 12/8/23: The domestic, not foreign, illustrated edition - Bookworm Room

Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark - 90 Miles From Tyranny

The Ugly Face of DEI in the Poison Ivy League - Diogenes Middle Finger News Service

Biden Turns to Hillary for Help With 2024 Campaign

Rumble CEO Confirms Politically Motived "Unprecedented" Attack on Servers - Bongino Report

Oversight Committee Posts "Biggest Revelations" From Biden Investigation - Bongino Report

FBI, DHS Warn of Heightened Threat Through Holidays - Newsmax

True cost of charging an EV is equivalent to paying $17.33 a gallon of gas, per new report - American Thinker

Democrats Shouldn’t Be Surprised Young Leftists Are Anti-Israel - The Lid

Hunter Biden Files For Dismissal of Federal Gun Charges; Speaker Johnson Says Biden's Stonewalling Compells a Formal Vote to Begin an Impeachment Investigation - AoSHQ

In The Mailbox: 12.12.23 - The Other McCain

Trump's Support Among African Americans Jumps 9 Points From 2020 - Bongino Report

Climate Cult Super Worried About Artificial Intelligence - The Pirates Cove

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