Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Top of the News

Who Is Really Trying to ‘Wage a Fight Between the Cross and Crescent Again’? - Raymond Ibrahim - PJ Media
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan engaged in a bit of wild projection — a longtime favorite tactic of Muslims — over the weekend. According to one report:

Erdogan's Islamic-rooted party staged a massive pro-Palestinian rally in Istanbul on Saturday that the Turkish leader said had drawn a crowd of 1.5 million.

He unleashed a scathing attack on Israel and its Western supporters after taking the stage with a microphone in his hand.

And he accused Israel's allies of creating a "crusade war atmosphere" pitting Christians against Muslims.

At one point during his demagoguery, he tried to blame Israel for everything by accusing it of being a foreign occupier in the region:

“Hey Israel, how did you come here [to the region]? How did you get in here? You’re an occupier!”

Now this is rich. After all, one can ask the very same questions of Turkey: “Hey Turkey, how did you come here?”

(Honest) answer: “We Turks came from the East and brutally conquered Asia Minor, once an ancient Christian peninsula, littered with churches and monasteries. We slaughtered and enslaved millions of Christian infidels over the centuries (not an exaggeration) and destroyed tens of thousands of churches. Our handiest work came on May 29, 1453, when we sacked the ancient Christian city of Constantinople, where we committed unspeakable atrocities. Far from being remorseful, we — including our sultan, Erdogan — celebrate May 29 every year. Nor is our work over. We continue to persecute Christians — including in Cyprus, which we are illegally occupying, and the Armenians, our ancient genocide victims of old, through our Azerbaijani proxy.”
In Other News

Israel must eradicate Hamas - The Daley Gator

Israel’s UN Ambassador Addresses Security Council Wears Yellow Star - IOTW Report

From Daniel Pearl to October 7 and beyond- The New Neo


Bits and Bobs - Theo Spark

Is Dracula Misunderstood?️ - Evi. L Bloggerlady

Self-defense Is Legal in South Carolina - 357 Magnum

Bookworm Beat 10-27-23: The ginormous illustrated edition - Bookworm Room

Follow the Numbers: China Steps Up Military Activity Near Taiwan - 90 Miles From Tyranny

New Snapshots From The Biden White House Album - Diogenes Middle Finger News Service

Biden Admin Makes Major Changes to Student Debt Bailout Plan

Rand Paul Spars With FBI Director Wray Over Pressuring Social Media Companies to Censor - Bongino Report

Zelensky Adviser: Government Officials "Stealing Like No Tomorrow" as Biden Pushes More Ukraine Aid - Bongino Report

Will Democrat Voters Finally Purge Their Anti-Semitic Reps in Congress? - Bongino Report

Israel de facto implements the Second Amendment and Joe Biden is reportedly not happy - American Thinker

Saudi Journo Is More Honest About Hamas Than The New York Times - The Lid

The New York Times: We're Not Sure if Hamas Hostage Takers Forced Their Hostages to Make a Hostage Video, Telling Israel Not to Attack Hamas, or If Hamas' Hostages Came Up With that Propaganda Line of Their Own Free Volition - AoSHQ

In The Mailbox: 10.31.23 - The Other McCain

FBI: Hamas Attack on Israel Elevated Terror Risk to U.S. to "A Whole Other Level" - Bongino Report

Climate Cult Super Concerned With Shipping - The Pirates Cove

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