Saturday, October 7, 2023

We Interrupt your regularly scheduled programming

From Newamax: Hamas Announces Attack on Israel; Infiltrating From Gaza
Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip carried out an unprecedented infiltration Saturday into southern Israel and fired thousands of rockets into the country as the ruling Hamas militant group announced the beginning of a new operation.

Israel began striking targets in Gaza in response, setting the stage for what was likely to be a new heavy round of fighting between the bitter enemies.

Videos posted on social media showed what appeared to be uniformed Palestinian gunmen inside the Israeli border town of Sderot. A video from Gaza showed what looked like the lifeless body of an Israeli soldier being trampled by an angry crowd shouting “God is Great.” Another video appeared to show Palestinian militants dragging away a live Israeli soldier on a motorcycle. Other videos showed a crowd of Palestinian men dancing around and atop an Israeli tank that was on fire. The authenticity of the videos could not immediately be verified.

The elusive leader of Hamas' military wing, Mohammed Deif, announced the beginning of what he called “Operation Al-Aqsa Storm.”

“Enough is enough,” he said in the recorded message, as he called on Palestinians to join the fight. He said Hamas had fired over 5,000 rockets into Israel.

WierdDave at AoSHQ has the Twitter / X Reportage Here:


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