Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Top of the News

Stupid and Hard of Hearing: KJP Says She 'Misheard' Question About Anti-Semitism - Kruiser - PJ Media
Mere days after the world witnessed one of the most horrific and violent manifestations of anti-Semitism by Islamic terrorists in recent memory, the Democrats rushed to express concern for American practitioners of Islam who aren’t being attacked by anyone. Big fans of nonsensical priorities, the Democrats.

On Monday, my friend Stephen Green covered a couple of the more egregious examples (which I also highlighted in Tuesday’s Morning Briefing) of this, including this empty-headed moment from Joe Biden’s Spokesditz, Karine Jean-Pierre:

Isn’t she just precious?

KJP’s reaction was to be expected, unfortunately. The Democrats of the 21st century are, for the most part, anti-Semitic and notorious sympathizers with the crowd that finds suicide vests fashionable. This is quite on brand.

One of the commies in the cabal that runs Biden’s brain decided that the situation in the world is still too delicate and that KJP should find a way to walk that back a bit. Her excuse? She doesn’t hear so well.

Fox News:

Press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said she misheard a question during Monday’s White House press briefing that resulted in viral criticism from all sides after she appeared to downplay a rise in antisemitism and quickly pivoted to condemning anti-Muslim attacks.

“I appreciate the chance to address this. Yes, I did mishear the question. As I have footstomped many times from the podium and on the air, antisemitism is an abomination that this President has fought against his entire life; and I feel strongly about that work,” Jean-Pierre told Fox News Digital via email.

“That’s why, in the briefing room, I have blasted the repulsive increase in antisemitic rhetoric, conspiracy theories, and hate crimes in our nation, calling out that, tragically, this is a rising threat,” Jean-Pierre continued. “And it’s a threat the President is taking concrete action every day to fight.”
In Other News

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Airplane sabotage attempt by off-duty Alaska Airlines pilot- The New Neo


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Richard Roundtree, RIP️ - Evi. L Bloggerlady

Your Possessions Are Not Worth Your Life - 357 Magnum

Bookworm Beat 10/20/23: The leftist intersectionality issue - Bookworm Room

The Sickness of Our Universities—and the Cure - 90 Miles From Tyranny

Late-night Musings From The Bathtub - Diogenes Middle Finger News Service

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Trump Attorneys Move to Toss Federal Election Case for "Vindictive" Prosecution - Bongino Report

Biden Underwater Even in Blue New York - Bongino Report

Georgia Supreme Court Allows State's Fetal Heartbeat Law to Stand - Bongino Report

Gun stores and training ranges report massive sales increases as American Jews flock to these establishments - American Thinker

OOPS: Victoria’s Secret Tried Going Woke — Here’s What They Learned - The Lid

"Wilkommen" No More: Germany's Chancellor Says the Country Must Begin Mass Deportations of Illegal Aliens - AoSHQ

Detroit Police Say Anti-Semitism Not Motive in Synagogue Leader’s Murder - The Other McCain

Israeli Amb. Danon to UN Sec. Gen.: 'Retract Your Statement or Resign' - Newsmax

ZOMG: Israel Blockading The Gaza Terrorists Creates An Environmental Disaster Or Something - The Pirates Cove

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