Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Top of the News

The Left Is Coming to Terms With Failure to Lawfare Trump Out of the Race
TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) famously robs its victims of their ability to reason, a skill on which leftists’ hold was already tenuous. Thus, in their ends-justify-the-means war to undermine democracy by preventing a fair race, they have concocted numerous half-baked strategies. One of them — the lawfare one — looks something like this:

1.Go after Trump with as many legal attacks as possible
2. ???
3. Biden’s Second Term!

Granted, even if the attacks don’t prevent Trump from running, they still have the effect of handicapping him in several ways. They drain his coffers. They pull him from the campaign trail. They smear and besmirch his reputation among less-aware citizens who still have faith in state prosecutions not to be politicized. And they heap enough peril on Trump’s shoulders to send almost anyone else quivering to the insane asylum.

But that second step is a doozy. Reuters put together an explainer of how the lawfare strategy is supposed to work that is more effective at explaining how it’s not going to work
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Summit With Arab Leaders Called off, Biden Heads to Israel - Newsmax

Massachusetts Governor Complains Migrant Facilities Almost At Capacity - The Pirates Cove

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