Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Top of the News

Hamas and Fatah Explain What Their War Against Israel is All About
Why are the Islamic jihad groups fighting against Israel? Why do they think that committing the dismaying actions we saw in Israel on Saturday is the right, and indeed the righteous, thing to do?

As the death toll from Saturday’s jihad massacres in Israel continues to mount, the world looks on in horror at the atrocities that were committed — the wanton massacre of people at a peace concert, the beheaded babies, and so much more. It is hard for Americans and Europeans to fathom how or why any human beings would do such things.

Now, however, two jihad groups, including the one that was behind the massacres, Hamas, and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah, have issued statements that clarify exactly what they think they’re doing. As you might expect, they both make for chilling reading.
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