Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Top of the News

Well, Well, Well, Look at the 'Conspiracy Theory' the J6 Cat Finally Dragged in. Why Now?
Ray Epps, the man the news media said was the object of conspiracy theorists of the “hard right,” was charged Tuesday with one misdemeanor count of disorderly conduct for his antics at the Capitol Complex on Jan. 6, 2021. It has taken the federal government more than two and a half years to bring the single charge against Ray Epps.

There will be no political gulag in Epps’s future. He will not be moved 13 times, making it difficult for an attorney or family to find him. No, that happened to the “Q Anon Shaman,” as he revealed in my interview on the Adult in the Room Podcast.

Epps likely won’t be thrown in a cell the size of a closet to waste away his days in prison, as many J6 defendants have. He likely will be able to shelter at home for all upcoming news interviews to once again reiterate that he did nothing wrong on Jan. 6. His record will reflect a misdemeanor disorderly conduct charge that probably will present no impediment to him for the rest of his life.
In Other News

God Bless Senator Kennedy - The Daley Gator

Liberal Bastion Cape Cod Not Too Excited About All the Residents - IOTW Report

The Fetterman standard of decorum- The New Neo


We Have Met the Enemy and He is Us - Theo Spark

RAY EPPS : Is The Fix In? ️ - Evi. L Bloggerlady

"Role Model" Shot in Justifiable Homicide - 357 Magnum

21st-century neo-paganism is worse than the original - Bookworm Room

Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark - 90 Miles From Tyranny

Interior Secretary & Daughter Have Ties to Marxist Environmental Alliance in Cuba - Diogenes Middle Finger News Service

First Biden Impeachment Inquiry Hearing Set for Next Week

Biden Admin Shuts Down Future Oil and Gas Activity on Thousands of Acres of New Mexico Land for Next 50 Years - Bongino Report

House Oversight Committee to Subpoena Hunter and James Biden's Bank Records as Early as This Week - Bongino Report

Top Democrats' Bullishness on Biden 2024 Collides With Voters' Worries - American Power

UN globalists descend upon Gotham City for crisis talks as ‘progress’ of Sustainable Development Goals backslides - American Thinker

House Committee Reveals 22 Examples of Biden’s Corruption After Media Cries There’s ‘No Evidence. - The Lid

Ray Epps Charged with a Single Misdemeanor for Ringleading January 6th Breach, For Which He Has Worked Out a Plea Deal;Media Pretends This Disproves "Conspiracy Theories" That He's a Fed, Rather Than Confirming Them - AoSHQ

The Delusions of Michael Tomasky - The Other McCain

George Soros Poured $14.8M Into Leftist Vendetta Against So-Called Disinformation - Bongino Report

Climate Cult To Continue Demonstrating In NYC Today - The Pirates Cove

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