Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Top of the News

SOURCES: Joe Biden Knows Who Brought Cocaine to White House
More than a month has passed since a bag of cocaine was discovered in the White House. No arrests have been made, and the narrative we’re expected to believe is that both the Secret Service and the FBI can’t identify the person responsible.

Well, according to sources connected to White House security, the bag of cocaine that was found in the White House belonged to someone in the “Biden family orbit”–and Joe Biden knows the individual.

Three sources reportedly told Susan Katz Keating of “Soldier of Fortune” magazine that the Secret Service told Joe Biden the name of the person who brought the cocaine inside the White House last month, and the three sources all identified the same individual to the magazine. According to Keating, the sources “work for a U.S. government agency, and are not authorized to speak to the media.”

There has been a lot of speculation that Hunter Biden was responsible for the cocaine. Because of his history with drug abuse and the fact that only people connected to the first family would have been able to bypass security checkpoints to get the drugs inside, Hunter Biden was clearly the prime suspect. However, according to the sources, Hunter Biden was not directly involved with the cocaine.

“It was someone within the Biden family orbit, and it wasn’t Hunter,” one of the sources said.
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