Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Top of the News

Federal Judge Strikes Down Key Part of Biden's Border Policy
A federal judge in California has struck down a key part of Joe Biden’s border policy. Judge Jon Tigar of the California Northern District Court had previously ruled against nearly identical policy instituted during the Trump administration. The ACLU sued the Biden administration over its policy that bans asylum seekers who passed through another country without first getting permission from U.S. authorities from entry into the U.S.

Biden created a workaround for that policy by setting up a system where the asylum seeker could still enter the U.S. by going through other legal channels such as showing up one of three processing centers in Central America as well as applying for protection in another country. There is also a “CBP One app” that someone wanting to enter the country can call and make an appointment to be met at the border.

But Judge Tigar nixed the entire policy and gave the administration 14 days to appeal.

“The ruling is a victory, but each day the Biden administration prolongs the fight over its illegal ban, many people fleeing persecution and seeking safe harbor for their families are instead left in grave danger,” said Katrina Eiland, deputy director of the ACLU’s Immigrants’ Rights Project, who argued the case. “The promise of America is to serve as a beacon of freedom and hope, and the administration can and should do better to fulfill this promise, rather than perpetuate cruel and ineffective policies that betray it.”

Justice Department lawyer Erez Reuveni argued that the rule has exemptions and that there are other lawful pathways that have been made available to migrants seeking to come to the United States.
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