Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Top of the News

RFK Jr. Is Really Scaring Them Now: LA Times Says He’s a Threat to ‘Our Democracy’
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has the Leftist political and media elites deeply rattled, and that’s utterly delightful.

Imagine this scenario: a wildly unpopular and manifestly incapable president is running, however haltingly, for reelection. Initially he seemed like a lock, but then he encountered an unexpected challenge from a scion of an old American political family, a man who defies all the conventional categorization of political candidates and has set the establishment on its ear by challenging not only the superannuated corruptocrat in the White House but many of that establishment’s most cherished assumptions.

It would make a great novel, but it’s real life, and it’s an exhilarating reminder that America is still a republic, still a place where the elites can be challenged at all, however entrenched they may appear to be. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has not only challenged the elites, he has frightened them to the core, and that’s wonderful to see. The latest indication of how much of a threat they consider him to be comes from the Los Angeles Times, always a reliable organ for far-Left propaganda. The Left Coast Times is so scared of RFK Jr. that on Monday, it proclaimed, “Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is a threat to your health — and our democracy.”
In Other News

Ethics complaint against noted lying eco-hypocrite - The Daley Gator

How does a 53 year old man like Hunter Biden get to enter a “pretrial diversion program”? - IOTW Report

Trump opens mouth, inserts foot? The Bret Baier interview- The New Neo


Pence-Backing Super-PAC, 'Committed to America', Launches First 2024 Campaign Spot (VIDEO) - Theo Spark

Jonna Jinton: Kulning & Nyckelharpa: Song of Summer Solstice ️ - Evi. L Bloggerlady

They Knew the Homeowner Was Armed, and Came Back Anyway - 357 Magnum

Bookworm Beat 6/16/23: The indictment illustrated edition - Bookworm Room

Hunter Biden's Maltese Bank Account Opened by Burisma Amid FBI Allegations of $10 Million Bribe - 90 Miles From Tyranny

It Was The Plan All Along - Diogenes Middle Finger News Service

Hunter Biden Agrees to Plead Guilty in Federal Tax and Gun Case, Will Face No Actual Consequences

Student Loan Payments to Resume in October Following Three-Year Pause - Bongino Report

Hunter Biden Plea Deal Excludes $10 Million Alleged Bribery Scheme - Bongino Report

Why the U.S. Electric Grid Isn't Ready for the Energy Transition - American Power

Rashida Tlaib is stirring up the eco-crazies —report - American Thinker

Tucker Carlson Reacts To Hunter’s Crime Whitewash - The Lid

Boston Police Discover a Pedophile House of Horrors, and No One In the Regime Media Will Report It - AoSHQ

In The Mailbox: 06.20.23 - The Other McCain

Keith Olbermann Continues Humiliating Himself - Bongino Report

Trial Date in Trump Classified Docs Case Set for August 14 - The Pirates Cove

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