Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Top of the News

True Jihadist Identity of Supposed ‘Christian’ Child Stabber Revealed?
A Middle Eastern man who fled the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (“ISIS”) has just come out to insist that he knows the real identity — and real name — of the supposed “Christian” man who recently stabbed several children in a French playground.

Because the assailant had originally given his name to European officials as “Abdul-Masih” — “Slave of Christ” in Arabic — and because he grabbed onto a crucifix around his neck and yelled Jesus’s name during his stabbing spree, French/Western media — far from finding such theatrics before a captive audience all too suspicious — have concluded that he must be Christian, apparently oblivious to the fact that jihad is all about trickery and subterfuge — all about deceptions layered within layers. (In one example, Muslims spent a year getting close to a pastor — including by joining his church, getting baptized, and becoming like “family” to him — when all they really wanted to do is assassinate the Christian.)
In Other News

Why yes, Marxifornia has been digging in the Pit of Eternal Stupidity AGAIN! - The Daley Gator

Former Capitol Police Officer Tarik Johnson speaks out about what he witnessed on J6 - IOTW Report

Trump’s arraignment is an opportunity for showmanship on his part- The New Neo


Cartoon Round Up.... - Theo Spark

You're A Grand Ol Flag ️ - Evi. L Bloggerlady

Chicago's Mayor - Winner of the Biggest BS Statement of the Year - 357 Magnum

It’s time to return the federal court system to its original jurisdiction - Bookworm Room

Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark - 90 Miles From Tyranny

Cry No Tears for Two Sleazy Leftist Media Publishers - Diogenes Middle Finger News Service

Trump Enters Not Guilty Plea in Classified Docs Case

Trump Visits Cuban Café After Arraignment, Prays With Customers - Bongino Report

Biden State Department Wants $76 Million to Push DEI Propaganda - Bongino Report

Ramaswamy Announces FOIA Request to Expose Merrick Garland’s Communications - Bongino Report

As Biden is urged to threaten Russia with nukes, we need to revisit Eisenhower’s warnings - American Thinker

Grassley Exposes Christopher Wray’s Cover Up - The Lid

Twilight Zone: Trans Activists Call in Bomb Threats to Target, So ABC (Disney) "News" Says We Must Give In to the Demands of the Trans Extremists, Otherwise the Conservatives Will Win - AoSHQ

Approaching the Nadir of Wokeness - The Other McCain

Keith Olbermann Continues Humiliating Himself - Bongino Report

Climate Today: Trees In Tampa, Cruises, Wildfires - The Pirates Cove

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