Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Top of the News

Fox News Fails With McEnany in Tucker's Old Slot While Carlson Teases His Launch
If you have watched conservative media for any length of time, you know that Fox News has been flirting with the middle of the road for quite a while now, and has also been dangerously close to joining that squashed opossum currently festering on the center line. Maybe they should change the name to “Opossum News.” Instead of “First on Fox,” they can try “Obsolete on Opossum.”

And then Fox gave Tucker Carlson the boot. With the exception of Greg Gutfeld, the network has been engaged in a continuous game of “Stop Hitting Yourself” ever since.
In Other News

Your Self-Defense Story of the Day - The Daley Gator

Gov’t Gone Wild! California Defaults on $18.6 Billion Debt - IOTW Report

Title 42 will be ending on Thursday- The New Neo


Cartoon Round Up.... - Theo Spark

So Trump did not rape weirdo Jean Carroll, but he owes her millions of dollars for saying he did not rape her? ️ - Evi. L Bloggerlady

Good Guys 2, Bad Guys 0 - 357 Magnum

Bookworm Beat 5/10/23 Illustrated edition - Bookworm Room

Report: Tucker is getting ready to launch a Fox News competitor and is "preparing for war" - 90 Miles From Tyranny

Grievance Politics Is Destroying Civilized Society - Diogenes Middle Finger News Service

Soros-Backed PAC Spends Big on Pittsburgh DA Race to Install Leftist Attorney

Hunter Biden Arranged NYC Meeting Between Then-VP Biden and Rosemont-Connected Business Associate - Bongino Report

Biden Loses Latest Battle With Teleprompter - Bongino Report

'Millions of Deportations' (VIDEO) - American Power

The Bay Area is sinking into the abyss - American Thinker

To Get Biden Elected CIA Illegally Rushed To Get Signatures For Letter Saying Hunter’s Laptop Was Russian Disinformation - The Lid

Protests Over the Mostly-Peaceful Michael Jackson Tribute Artist Becoming Increasingly Mostly Peaceful - AoSHQ

In The Mailbox: 05.09.23 - The Other McCain

Everything You’ve Heard About the Debt Limit is Wrong - Bongino Report

Biden Regime Now Coming For Your Dishwasher Due To Climate Crisis (scam) - The Pirates Cove

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