Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Top of the News

The Final Battle Is Upon Us: Sic Semper Tyrannis
Welcome to the Stalin States of Amerika. Come for the gnat salad, stay for the tyranny. Liberty is SO last century.

Tuesday marked a low point in American history. The political party formerly known as the Democrats went full Maoist and arrested the man who not only served as the greatest president since Reagan, but shined a light on the glop of sub-humanity living in the outhouse called Washington, D.C.

Joe Biden is a small, grotesque man. He showered with his young daughter Ashley. He “allegedly” sexually assaulted Tara Reade. He sent his crackhead son to play global bagman and hoover mad stacks from anyone willing to throw a few bucks his way for a favor. The Biden family sold out our country—not to the highest bidder, but to all of them.
In Other News

Bias, and lies from MSNBS…….. AGAIN, and AGAIN, and…….. - The Daley Gator

Biden sends Ukraine $500 MILLION more in arms - IOTW Report

Charge-stacking against Trump: those 34 counts- The New Neo


Cartoon Round Up.... - Theo Spark

Prokofiev: Alexander Nevsky ️ - Evi. L Bloggerlady

CBS News Censors the Word "transgender" for Nashville Shooting - 357 Magnum

My first-pass take on the Trump indictment *UPDATED* - Bookworm Room

A Spring of Leaks - 90 Miles From Tyranny

It's All Becoming Very Exhausting - Diogenes Middle Finger News Service

President Trump Responds to Arraignment in Historic Mar-a-Lago Speech

KJP Grilled by Peter Doocy Over Lack of White House Comment on Trump Arrest - Bongino Report

NYC Protesters Clash Outside Court Over Trump Indictment - Bongino Report

Sean Hannity Indicts the Trump Indictment (VIDEO) - American Power

Will you like what’s coming? - American Thinker

Passover And The Blood Libel - The Lid

In Wake of the DCCC Illegally Purloining Republican Veterans' Confidential Military Records, The Veteran Administration's Tech Chief Met With the Head of the Democrat Congressional Campaign Committee. Who Is Also His Wife. - AoSHQ

Making History (Not in a Good Way) - The Other McCain

Trump Fires Back at DA Bragg After Historic Arraignment - Bongino Report

Kansas Citizens Are Tired Of Blinking Red Lights On Wind Turbines - The Pirates Cove

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