Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Top of the News

Try Not to Laugh at DOJ's Excuse for Not Sending FBI to Raid Biden's Homes for Classified Docs
Attorney General Merrick Garland is feeling the heat over the obvious double standard between the Mar-a-Lago FBI raid on Donald Trump’s home to retrieve classified documents and Joe Biden’s Car-a-Lago scandal. As a result, Biden’s hit man, who “can’t comment on an ongoing investigation,” has clearly green-lighted his patented leaks to friendly media to make excuses for his duplicity. If this weren’t such a tell for how corrupt the Justice Department is, the excuses would be funny. But since America’s system of jurisprudence in the DOJ and the FBI is clearly so irretrievably fallen, and could take civil society sliding down the hill with it, we should consider Garland’s excuses in the seriousness with which they’re offered.

Now you can laugh.
In Other News

And San Francisco continues to illustrate Leftism’s consequences - The Daley Gator

How DARE You! Greta Thunberg Arrested During Coal Mine Protest - IOTW Report

Dispatches- American Digest


Cartoon Round Up - Theo Spark

Call Me: The Escorts of Davos ️ - Evi. L Bloggerlady

Because the Media Won't Report Anything That Make Dems Look Bad - 357 Magnum

The Non-Defenses to Biden’s Mishandling of Classified Information - Bookworm Room

Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark - 90 Miles From Tyranny

Sheila Be At It Again - Diogenes Middle Finger News Service

Obama Ethics Chief Slams Biden's "Inexcusable Neglect" of Basic Security Protocols

Quote du jour and Best of the Web* - Proof Positive

Ravi Srinivasan, TIFF programmer dies suddenly, age 37. - Drake's Place

In a First, South Korea Declares Nuclear Weapons a Policy Option - American Power

Proof the fascist far-left opened the border to an illegal invasion to cheat on elections - American Thinker

Report: Putin Has Become Withdrawn And Laconic - The Lid

CNN Looking to Put a Leftwing Clown -- I Mean, a Professional Clown -- On the Air from 9pm to 11pm Every Night to Do "News" "Comedy" - AoSHQ

In The Mailbox: 01.17.23 (Evening Edition) - The Other McCain

Government Watchdog Files Federal Complaint About Involvement of White House Counsel's Office in Classified Docs Scandal - Bongino Report

NPR Has A Kids’ Guide To Climate Crisis (scam) - The Pirates Cove

1 comment:

  1. A fine linkfest! Thank you, Dave, for the mention and link.
