Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Top of the News

Georgia Senate Runoff Election Called
Less than three hours after the polls closed on Tuesday, PJ Media partner Decision Desk HQ projects that incumbent Democratic Senator Raphael Warnock has won reelection in a runoff election against Trump-endorsed Republican opponent Herschel Walker.

With an estimated 83% of votes collected, Warnock currently leads Walker 50.46% to 49.54%

Both candidates found themselves with small leads throughout the night, but as the evening progressed, the outstanding votes remained concentrated in the more densely populated blue strongholds in and around Atlanta.

Even though Walker outperformed in various rural counties, it wasn’t enough to eclipse Warnock’s advantage with early and absentee voters.

Warnock’s victory won’t change party control in the Senate, but it does reduce the influence of Sens. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) and Joe Manchin (D-W.V.), who have not always gone along with Biden’s legislative agenda, and it also means that Kamala Harris will have less to do because she won’t be needed as a tie-breaker for party-line votes.

Democrats will also have full control over committees in the Senate.
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1 comment:

  1. That lead story, Dave, amazing GA was able to count the votes and have a decision 3 hours after polls closed and a democrat won, eh?

    Thank you for the mention and link.
