Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Top of the News

Arizona Leaning Blue, But Game Day Vote Drops Indicate Looming Red Upset - Catherine Salgado - PJ Media
As of this writing, Arizona is still leaning blue, but that may well be headed for an upset as game-day vote drops show significant Republican leads.

While the major races in Arizona continue to show strong Democrat leads, that may be changing. Gubernatorial Democrat candidate Katie Hobbs has 55.67% of the vote over Republican Kari Lake (44.33%), with 57% reporting. And Senate incumbent Mark Kelly (D) has a 56.77% lead over Republican Blake Masters (40.96%), with 58% reporting. But multiple recent dumps of Election Day votes were for Kari Lake—by a massive margin.
Election Results Central - PJ Media

In Other News

Some cold hard facts about who the Statists are - The Daley Gator

Stacey Abrams Lost Again - IOTW Report

Compost in Waiting- American Digest


DeSantis Campaign Video Hints at National Aims and Draws Trump's Ire - Theo Spark

Anna Paulina Luna wins in Florida's 13 District ️ - Evi. L Bloggerlady

Self-defense Is Legal in Minnesota - 357 Magnum

Bookworm Beat 11/5/22 — the “end of daylight savings” illustrated edition - Bookworm Room

Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark - 90 Miles From Tyranny

WaPo Finally Gives Biden His Own Bottomless Pinocchios - Diogenes Middle Finger News Service

At the moment, my disappointment has no bounds.
Only Democrats could claim victory by not losing so badly.

The Misinformation Racket - Victor Davis Hanson podcast and Best of the Web* - Proof Positive

Lol: NY Times Releases Guide on How to Cope With Election Results - Bongino Report

Larry Sabato's Final Forecast for Election 2022 - American Power

Nancy Pelosi goes all pious, claiming the attack on her husband will 'affect' her retirement decision - American Thinker

BUSTED! Duplicitious Dems Admit Their Hidden Agenda Doesn’t Match Their Talking Points - The Lid

Red Wave Receeding? - AoSHQ

In The Mailbox: 11.08.22 - The Other McCain

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Wins Arkansas Governor's Race - Will Be State's First Female Governor - Bongino Report

Bummer: ‘Climate Change’ Stayed Backstage During Election Season - The Pirates Cove

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