Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Top of the News

McCarthy to Mayorkas: Resign or Face Impeachment
Matt Margolis - PJ Media
Rep. Kevin McCarthy, who is expected to be the next House speaker, gave Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas an ultimatum: resign or face an impeachment inquiry.

“Our country may never recover from Secretary Mayorkas’ dereliction of duty. This is why today I am calling on the secretary to resign,” McCarthy said. “If Secretary Mayorkas does not resign, House Republicans will investigate every order, every action and every failure. And we will determine whether we can begin an impeachment inquiry.”

The stark warning is a significant change in tone from McCarthy, who previously took impeaching Biden officials off the table next year because Americans don’t “like impeachment used for political purposes at all.” But the border crisis is a national security issue, not a political issue.
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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the link, Dave. A Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!
