Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Top of the News

Trump Announcement at Mar-A-Lago:
"America's Comeback Starts Right Now"
Whether it was with gleeful anticipation or a sense of foreboding, most conservative eyes were turned toward Mar-a-Lago Tuesday night for Donald Trump’s announcement that he was running for his second term as president of the United States. Should he win, he would become the 45th and 47th president.

Trump took the stage at 9:00 Eastern, with his wife Melania in attendance, to the strains of Lee Greenwood’s “God Bless the USA.” After thanking the audience, he told everyone watching that they were the heart and soul of a great movement in the greatest country in the world, adding that such a movement may never come again. “America’s comeback starts right now,” he said.

“I am tonight announcing my candidacy for president of the United States,” said Trump, to cheers from the audience. “This won’t be my campaign. This will be our campaign together…. We’re going to bring people together. We’re going to unify people.”

He noted that the country had been doing great and thriving like never before, and that there had never been a time like his presidency. The country had even turned the page on globalist policies. He added that all the Biden administration needed to do was sit back and watch as the U.S. enjoyed low taxes, a secure border, decreased drug trafficking, and energy independence that was verging on dominance.
In Other News

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Acquainted with the Night — Robert Frost- American Digest


DeSantis Campaign Video Hints at National Aims and Draws Trump's Ire - Theo Spark

The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent ️ - Evi. L Bloggerlady

DAs HATE Self-defense - 357 Magnum

Bookworm Beat 11/11/2022 — the Post-Election Illustrated edition - Bookworm Room

Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark - 90 Miles From Tyranny

Senator - Elect Fetterman Goes To Washington - Diogenes Middle Finger News Service

Russian Missiles Kill Two in NATO Ally Poland. - PJ Media

Republicans Retake House of Representatives

The Misinformation Racket - Victor Davis Hanson podcast and Best of the Web* - Proof Positive

If you're on the "Blame Trump" bandwagon for the election results, you need to watch this video. - David Drake's Place

The Normie Center Strikes Back - American Power

Biden goes full frontal, 'making sure' Trump can't run for president - American Thinker

Unemployment Ticks Up As 328,000 Jobs Lost In October And Inflation Cools With 2024 Looming - The Lid

Christopher Wray Refuses to Answer Whether Or Not His Paid Informants Were Inside the Capitol Building on January 6th - AoSHQ

DOJ to Rudy Giuliani: ‘Oops!’ - The Other McCain

White House Won't Explain Why Biden Bowed Out of G20 Leaders Event - Bongino Report

Climate Cult Elites Trot Out New Scam, “Global Shield” - The Pirates Cove

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Dave, for the mention and link! A fine LinkFest, as always! Good stuff!
