Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Top of the News

PA Senate Debate an UTTER DISASTER for Fetterman
On Monday, John Fetterman’s campaign desperately sought to lower expectations for their candidate when he faced off against Republican nominee Dr. Mehmet Oz—even going so far as to suggest that they expected Fetterman to lose.

I can assure you they didn’t lower expectations nearly enough.

I watched the entire debate, and I have to admit that I sometimes felt bad for Fetterman. I’m sure he expected to have bounced back from the stroke quicker and stronger than he has, but Tuesday night’s debate performance merely demonstrated just how far he has to go in his recovery. Without a doubt, Pennsylvania voters, and indeed the nation, saw firsthand that he is not capable of being a U.S. senator.

A condition of the debate was the allowance of a closed-captioning system to accommodate Fetterman’s cognitive impairments. The moderators were transparent about the system, but the system couldn’t help Fetterman articulate his positions clearly—at all.
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