Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Top of the News

The Danchenko Acquittal Does Not End the Probe Into the Trump-Russia Scam
Igor Danchenko, a former Brookings Institution employee and one-time suspected Russian spy, has been acquitted of four charges of lying to the FBI about his sources for the fraudulent Steele Dossier. The ragtag collection of memos, fabulist brainstorming, and fake news about peeing Russian hookers was used to frame Donald Trump as a Russian asset.

The report caused great division among the Republicans in the 2016 election. It teed up the years-long Mueller investigation, which was more about dirtying up Trump for the 2020 election than seeking the truth. Evidence and testimony in Danchenko’s trial make plain how the Russian collusion investigation was more cover-up than investigation. Hillary Clinton’s campaign got the Trump-is-a-Russian-spy fake news rolling, but it bears noting that she was the one relying on Russian assets to do her dirty work.

This case likely ends the active special counsel investigation into the origins of the fake Russia collusion narrative seized upon by its authors and disseminators: anti-Trump apparatchiks in the FBI, the CIA, the Democrat Party, and their willing handmaidens in the Fourth Estate. Special counsel John Durham is widely expected to put all of his findings — and they are damning — into a report whose ending likely was punctuated by Tuesday’s verdict.
In Other News

No, trolls, Rep. Lauren Boebert did not kill her neighbors dog. - The Daley Gator

Biden Squelches Migrant Emergency Declaration For The City of El Paso - IOTW Report

Noted in Passing: The Biden Ground Game- American Digest


Cartoon Round Up - Theo Spark

Georgia Senate Update: Walker and Warnock Tied ️ - Evi. L Bloggerlady

He Suffered a Failure of the Victim-selection Process - 357 Magnum

The Porcupine Mountains in Michigan - Bookworm Room

Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark - 90 Miles From Tyranny

Am I the Only One To Noticed This? - Diogenes Middle Finger News Service

Quote du jour and Best of the Web* - Proof Positive

Durham Speaks Out After Anti-Trump Dossier Source Found Not Guilty - Bongino Report

Voters Overwhelmingly believe American Democracy is Under Threat, But No One Wants to Lift a Finger to Save It - American Power

It's shellacking time for Democrats, and suddenly, Obama is playing Mr. Moderate - American Thinker

Is China Fast Tracking A Taiwan Takeover, Or Reacting To Biden Gaffes? - The Lid

Videogame Channel G4TV Shuts Down, Again, This Time Due to Fatal Wokeness
Plus: Election News Round-Up

In The Mailbox: 10.17.22 - The Other McCain

GOP's Lead on Generic Ballot Jumps to 8-Month High With Weeks Until Midterms - Bongino Report

NJ Sues Fossil Fuels Companies Over ‘Climate Change’ - The Pirates Cove

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