Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Top of the News

Durham Bombshell: FBI Paid Shady Russian Businessman as a Confidential Informant Against Trump - Matt Margolis - PJ Media
Special Counsel John Durham had a bombshell revelation in court filings made Tuesday. According to the filings, the FBI paid a shady Russian businessman as a source in the investigation of Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign, despite the fact that the FBI knew he was tied to Moscow’s intelligence services.

”Durham persuaded the federal judge in the upcoming trial of Igor Danchenko to unseal a motion revealing that Danchenko, the primary source of the now-discredited Steele dossier, was paid by the FBI as a confidential human source for more than three years until the fall of 2020 when he was terminated for lying to agents,” reports Just the News. “Danchenko is charged with five counts of lying to the bureau during that relationship and faces trial next month in federal court in the Virginia suburbs of Washington D.C.”
In Other News

Black Intersectional Privilege you say? - The Daley Gator

Nation Headed Down Wrong Track Towards Rail Strike - IOTW Report

Strange Daze: Always Look for the Union Label and the Silver Lining- American Digest


Cartoon Round Up - Theo Spark

Higher Education Good and Hard: Dearborn U's Jerky Provost Michael Tew ️ - Evi. L Bloggerlady

The Summer of Joy Is Over, The Joy Continues - 357 Magnum

Remember 9/11 - Bookworm Room

Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark - 90 Miles From Tyranny

Why Modern Movies Suck - Diogenes Middle Finger News Service

Quote du jour and Biden Finds New Stairs to Fall Down - Proof Positive

US Markets Shudder on Dashed Inflation Hopes; Dow Falls 1,250. - David Drake's Place

America Surrenders to Woke Plague - American Power

Guggenheim curator demonstrates how art and wokery has turned her into a raving lunatic - American Thinker

The Border is Secure Says Kamala Harris - The Lid

Biden's Gestapo: 40 Subpeonaes Issued To Trump Allies In Just One Week, Demanding To Know If They've Ever Endorsed a Political Theory The Regime Deems to be Illegal and Insurrection-y - AoSHQ

Ukraine Offensive Halts at Oskil River? - The Other McCain

Bidenflation Rises More Than Expected Again, Soaring 8.3% in August - Bongino Report

Your Fault: Brandon’s Beach House Faces “Extreme Flood Risk” - The Pirates Cove

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