Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Top of the News

Explosive Report: Chinese Government Targeted Federal Reserve in Decade-Long Economic Espionage Operation
The Chinese government carried out a decade-long information theft campaign against the Federal Reserve, a report released Tuesday from Republican members of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs revealed.

The Federal Reserve, charged with executing a dual mandate of maximum employment and stable prices, is presently determining policy to navigate the United States economy through the highest inflation rates in four decades. The report found that China — which holds nearly $1 trillion in Treasury securities — has used talent plan recruitment and promises of academic positions in an effort to gain influence and glean information from the central bank.
In Other News

Snotty Leftist from Germany: Americans have too much “luxury” like AC’s - The Daley Gator

CNN Draws the Line At Redefining “Recession” For Political Reasons – No Word From Them on the Word WOMAN - IOTW Report

UPDATED: New York Cityesspool: Meet the new DiBlasio, Much worse than the old DiBlasio- American Digest


Cartoon Round Up.... - Theo Spark

The Gray Man ️ - Evi. L Bloggerlady

He Suffered a Failure of the Victim-selection Process - 357 Magnum

Bookworm Beat 7/23/22 — the “end is near” illustrated edition - Bookworm Room

Quick Hits Of Wisdom, Knowledge And Snark - 90 Miles From Tyranny

Democrats Can’t Run From Their Extremist Votes - Diogenes Middle Finger News Service

Biden Admin Weighing Declaring "Monkeypox Emergency"

Quote du jour and Best of the Web - Proof Positive

Biden Administration to Sell 20 Million More Barrels of Oil From Strategic Petroleum Reserve - Bongino Report

The Problem With Being Hot - American Power

The harridans on The View got rebuked by their own legal department - American Thinker

CPD Caught 1,600 Convicted Criminal Illegals Trying to Get into USA In Just ONE Sector This Year - The Lid

Private Texts Reveal That Madison Cornbread Called Herself an "Insurrectionist," Joked About the Riot, Praised Trump, and Called the J6 Committee Phony Before Starting the Madison Cornbread Image Makeover Media Blitz - AoSHQ

‘We Were Somewhere Around Barstow on the Edge of the Desert When the Trump Derangement Syndrome Began to Take Hold …’ - The Other McCain

FBI analyst who labeled Hunter Biden evidence 'disinfo' linked to next Durham case - Bongino Report

Your Fault: ‘Climate Change’ Causing Sharks To Come Closer To Shore - The Pirates Cove

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