Tuesday, July 12, 2022

J.J. Sefton's Morning Report

AoSHQ The Morning Report
July 12, 2022

1 comment:

  1. We have officially reached the point in our society where the country is divided into two camps: Unborn baby killers and unborn baby protectors, 2nd amendment eliminators and 2nd amendment supporters, freedom haters and freedom lovers, American haters, American Lovers and now government vaccine mandators and anti-vaccine mandators, there is no reason to continue along this ridiculous road, I am proposing the following: DASO-ISA!

    This is a brief outline on how DASO (Dissolve America and Start Over - ISA (Independent States of America) would work:

    1) The Country would be Renamed “The Independent States of America (ISA)
    2) We would continue with the 50 existing States.
    3) There would be a very limited Federal Government.
    4) There would be a Federal Military Umbrella to protect The ISA paid for by the several States.
    5) There would be a Federal Monetary Policy for The ISA paid for by the several States.
    6) There would be a Federal Transportation Administration paid for by the Airlines/Rail Roads and the Direct Ridership.
    7) A President would be voted on by the several States.
    8) The President (and 1 representative from each State) would have authority over the Military Umbrella.
    9) Each State would be independent.
    10)Each State already has a state Constitution.
    11) Each State would rewrite their current Constitution to fit the own Lifestyle.
    12) Each State would determine the requirements necessary to make any change to their state Constitution once it has been adopted.
    13) Each State already has a Governor.
    14) Each State already has a Lt Governor.
    15) Each State already has a Bi-Cameral Legislature.
    16) Each State already has a Supreme Court.
    17) Each State would decide on what Departments they want to keep. ie... Environment, Education, Public Works...
    18) Each State would maintain their own set of laws.
    19) ISA citizens would be free to travel or move between the States.
    20) All existing Federal Public Property would be returned to the States.

    Join me in allowing the American people to avoid constant conflict and live in a state that most represents their preferred way of life... no more arguing, no more fighting... no more massive unsustainable Debt!

    Email me at: strifst@yahoo.com
