Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Top of the News

Durham Trial: You Can't Unsee All the Potential Conflicts of Interest in the 'Russia Collusion' Case in D.C
Victoria Taft - PJ Media.
It feels like all of the people connected with the Russian Collusion hoax are old buddies, and a striking number of those are connected to the Michael Sussmann trial. Small world. Things are so incestuous in the swamp that you wonder why these elites consider themselves better than the hill people who live not too far away.

Juries are always problematic for Republicans or conservatives in D.C. Just ask Roger Stone, a Trump ally, who was convicted of obstruction of justice by former Special Counsel Robert Mueller. Mueller said Stone knew about WikiLeaks, while Stone said he did not. The jury, which included a far-left Democrat activist, convicted Stone. When the judge found out, he did absolutely nothing to give him a new and fair trial.

Many Jan. 6 protesters still awaiting trial are taking their chances on bench trials with a judge rather than subjecting themselves to a jury pool that overwhelmingly consists of far-left Democrats, federal employees, and members of the swamp where 92.1% voted for the other guy in the last presidential election. Polls of the D.C. population show “that while 80 percent of D.C. residents think defendants will receive a fair trial in the District, 1 in 5 admit that they would have their doubts if they were the ones charged, and 1 in 10 don’t believe trials will be fair.”

Though concerning, the problems are beyond mere jury composition. Let’s go back to an event in May 1999.
In Other News


Kamala sounds like she’s “delivering a book report on a book she hasn’t read” - IOTW Report

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Cartoon Round Up - Theo Spark

The Time Traveler's Wife ️ - Evi. L Bloggerlady

The Lone Voice In Russia Is Still Speaking - 357 Magnum

Understanding post-modernism’s role in shaping the Democrat party - Bookworm Room

BUSTED: Counselor Who Organized School Drag Show Arrested for Having Sex with 15-Year-Old Student - 90 Miles From Tyranny

I'd Say It's Better To Be MAGA King Than a Potato - Diogenes Middle Finger News Service

Voters Decide Primaries in Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Idaho – Trump Endorsed Doug Mastriano Wins GOP Nomination for PA Governor – Madison Cawthorn Loses Renomination

Quote du jour and Best of the Web - Proof Positive

Seth Holehouse - aka Man in America, voted for Hillary??? - Adrienne's Corner

Tucker Carlson on the Buffalo Massacre (VIDEO) - American Power

Nancy Pelosi reveals the Democrat campaign for the midterms - American Thinker

On Russian TV Retired Russian Colonel Indicates The War Is Lost - The Lid

Senate Democrats Cancel Hearings With Members of Orwellian "Disinformation Governance Board" to Hide Their Lunatic "Mary Poppins of Disinformation," Nina Jankowicz - AoSHQ

In The Mailbox: 05.17.22 - The Other McCain

Mayor Eric Adams is playing games talking about ghost guns! - The Last Tradition

“Confessions Of A Social Justice Meme Maker” - The Pirates Cove

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