Wednesday, May 11, 2022

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The Feds Won't Take Their Jackboot Off Ret. General Michael Flynn's Neck
Victoria Taft - PJ Media
Michael Flynn has been cleared, pardoned, set free, and given a clean slate, and still the federal government won’t take its jackboot off the neck of the retired general and short-lived Trump National Security Adviser.

A newly discovered document uncovered by Just the News shows that Flynn could have had his reputation back a lot earlier, if Robert Mueller had released an affidavit confirming the story behind the retired general’s 2015 Moscow dinner speech for Russia Today (RT) News.

At the event, Flynn sat next to Russian leader Vladimir Putin. The dinner became the key piece of “evidence” used by political detractors in the media and federal law enforcement as a pretext for their inquiry into Flynn.

The FBI’s Flynn investigation was called Crossfire Razor and led to a wider probe, which the agency dubbed Crossfire Hurricane. It was prompted by the Clinton campaign’s poisoning of the D.C. swamp, when it provided fake stories to the media, law enforcement, and the intelligence community, alleging Donald Trump was a secret agent for the Kremlin.

Clinton and her flying monkeys in the media and the Deep State destroyed Flynn’s reputation by accusing him of “lying” to Vice President Mike Pence about discussing sanctions with the Russians. By the time it was over, Clinton’s political operation to tear down Trump and win the White House had laid bare the deep dysfunction of the agencies involved. Americans had seen inside the termite-eaten walls of the FBI, Department of Justice, and CIA, and also stood aghast at the media’s callowness — the media which had received the fake news items, transcribed them, and then given themselves awards for their “coverage.”

But now, Just the News reports that an affidavit clears up exactly what the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), which Flynn helmed before working for Trump, knew about the RT dinner
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