Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Top of the News

Biden Puts Off Saving the Planet to Boost His Poll Numbers
The Biden administration warned months ago that unchecked climate change would cause drastic changes in temperature and more floods, droughts, pests and disease, and would hurt our nation’s fuel supply — real wrath-of-God-type stuff. Fire and brimstone raining down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling! Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes, the dead rising from the grave! Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together, mass hysteria!

However, it seems that the climate church of the left is going to have to wait for salvation; rising gas prices are hurting Joe Biden’s poll numbers, and thus, hurting Democrats’ chances of staving off a Republican tsunami at the ballot box in November.

On Tuesday, Joe Biden decided that fighting off apocalyptic climate disasters will have to wait, as he announced a temporary pause on an environmental rule so that energy providers can supply gas stations with 15% ethanol blend fuel throughout the summer. Gasoline with 15% ethanol has been banned for nearly a decade under the Clean Air Act.
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Earth day is coming up. It is a good time to remind the public what the predictions were 52 years ago - American Thinker

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Eye Destruction: Climate Cultist Lizzo Takes Another Private Fossil Fueled Plan - The Pirates Cove

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