Sunday, February 13, 2022

Sunday Morning Reads

For years now I’ve opposed the term TWANLOC (Those Who Are No Longer Our Countrymen.) I understood why it was used, but America is a nation of belief, and beliefs change, see one Saul of Tarsus.

It took a discussion with a group of friends, where one held out that even our elites have imbibed the essentially egalitarian ideals of America, while the other one said no they haven’t for me to see it clearly.

I have some experience with these elites. I have a disturbing number of still friends and even more former “friends” who graduated from ivy leagues and come from what my mom would call “the best families.”

Families have cultures, the same as nations do. And most of these families were so far up the eugenics movement that if a German maniac hadn’t started killing people in batch lots, they and their ilk on this side of the Atlantic might have.

In face, coffs, there were sterilization programs, and worse.

And before that there were a lot of those families who thought Europe was so much better, because the “best” people got to rule.

In fact, most of our families that had power throughout the twentieth century were or became of the opinions above.

And then the kids were sent to schools where they were taught America hating. Yeah, in some cases they are also taught to hate themselves as white Americans, but you know that’s not better, right? because then they try to redeem themselves the only way possible, by becoming an ally. I.e. a Marxist that tells minorities how to be proper minorities. And this again feeds the sense of “I’m the best one.”

So, in what sense are they our countrymen? In what sense did they ever learn or internalize the founding principles?
Go Get it

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