Sunday, February 6, 2022

Sunday Morning Reads

I have to explain first that I have no idea where my sudden insights come from, or my sudden certainties. Most of the time — as with “covid-19 isn’t nearly as dangerous as we’re being sold” — I have to do a deep dive to figure out if they’re even justified.

I’m not infallible — by any means — partly because often what I “sense” coming is derailed by oh, law enforcement; a sanity pill to the responsible on either side, etc.

However I’m more accurate than mere chance warrants.

I’d say the process is something like: Read everything (I have consumed 2 to 4 hours of “current events” every day for the last…. oh. 50 years or so. Granted most of those was MSM, so the most I got was “that can’t be true.” It often wasn’t. Anyway.) Throw it into the mulcher in back brain. From the mulcher, sometimes, at random, a certainty emerges.

I’ve been wrong. One of them was my conviction something would set something major off, in June of last year. It might have been personal anxiety ramping things up. Though to be fair, I did get a feeling it might be “the root cause” that happened that month. But I’m not even seeing that, in retrospect.

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