Thursday, February 17, 2022

How to Tell When Your Effing Goose is Cooked

Parliament Jeers Prime Minister Trudeau During Speech About “Emergencies Act” - Legal Insurrection
Yesterday, I noted that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau would have to get approval from the Canadian Parliament to enact the odious “Emergencies Act.” Given the fact he heads a minority government and that many Canadian citizens support the goals of the Freedom Convoy protest, Members of Parliament may not be too keen to grant it.

It appears I was right. Less than 24-hours after declaring wide-ranging powers, including terror finance laws to defund the trucker, Trudeau came to parliament to persuade them to support his move.

The video clip, which is not making its way to mainstream media news for some strange reason, shows the Prime Minister being jeered and booed.
Video at the Link

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