Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Top of the News

Latest MSM Lunacy: 'The Constitution Isn't Working'
Another day, another whiny leftist assault on American institutions, this time using the United States Constitution as cover.

A professor of politics named John Kenneth White has penned an opinion piece for The Hill titled “The Constitution isn’t working.” It’s an odd article because White actually gets a couple of things right at the beginning but eventually veers off into a boilerplate regurgitation of the leftist fever-dream wish list: nuke the Electoral College, JANUARY 6, reform the filibuster…yeah he had a ghostwriter from the Democratic National Committee working with him on this.
In Other News

Pronoun Obsession Syndrome anyone? - The Daley Gator

Biden’s Afghanistan Disaster Is Far From Over - IOTW Report

Noted in Passing: Strange that all their “tested positive” Covid symptoms are either “mild symptoms” or “symptoms mild”- American Digest

Mother Gives Life Protecting Child from Vicious Rescue Dog Attack: ‘I Have No Arms and I’m Dying’ - Free North Carolina

Cartoon Roundup - Theo Spark

John Madden, RIP ️ - Evi. L Bloggerlady

Texans Are Still Armed - 357 Magnum

We’re coming frighteningly close to being maddened monkeys - Bookworm Room


Boobs McCain's Well Worn Chair Will be Hard to Fill. - Diogenes Middle Finger News Service

Quote du jour and Best of the Web - Proof Positive

It's Monday again ... no matter what we think or do, it just keeps rolling around. - Adrienne's Corner

'Dark Winter' at the White House: Just 41 Percent Approve the Way Joe Biden's Handling Job as President (VIDEO) - American Power

Greta Thunberg is beginning to turn on the Democrats - American Thinker

MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace: ‘Let’s Go, Brandon’ Part Of Slow-Moving Insurrection (Video) - The Lid

CBS News' Jan Crawford: We've Sacrificed a Generation of Kids on the Altar of Covid and They're Not Even an Afterthought to Us - AoSHQ

Denver Shooting Rampage Update: Gunman Identified as Tattoo Artist Lyndon McLeod, Was Known to Cops - The Other McCain

Eric Adams has a lot to prove! - The Last Tradition

UK Working To Eliminate Private Car Ownership - The Pirates Cove

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