Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Top of the News

Kyle Rittenhouse Is an Absolute Rockstar at AmericaFest
In front of thousands of screaming fans and amid an LED techno light show, pyrotechnics, and the thudding notes of his own dedicated hip hop banger, 18-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse took the stage at Turning Point USA’s “AmericaFest” in Phoenix on Monday.

Rittenhouse was participating in a panel called “Kenosha on Camera.” The panel was facilitated by TPUSA founder Charlie Kirk and also featured Human Events reporter Jack Posobiec, BlazeTV reporter Elijah Schaffer, and journalist Drew Hernandez, who testified in Kyle’s trial.

Rittenhouse was nicely put-together in a dark blue suit and seemed cheerful and fairly at ease for such a high-profile appearance. (Clearly, he doesn’t suffer from anxiety issues like Xanax Lady.) He was also plainly an amateur at public speaking and made reference to his own inexperience, drawing cheers of support and applause from the audience.
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