Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Top of the News

[WATCH] Georgia HS Student Brilliantly Destroys Her School Board Over Mask Mandates Kruiser - PJ Media
While it is no big secret that the world has been getting crazier for a long time now, it’s safe to say that the descent into madness has greatly accelerated since March of last year. The inmates were running the asylum before, but now a bunch of lunatics who even the inmates think are crazy have taken over.

The mask/vax Nazis — as I am now fond of calling them — have been running roughshod over liberties, livelihoods, and common sense. They aren’t “following the science,” as they are so fond of saying. Rather, they’re following an almost sexual predilection for control. This isn’t a massive public health effort we are witnessing; it’s a creepy fetish on a disturbing scale, often preying on the most vulnerable among us, like kids in public schools.
In Other News

Leftism destroys everything it touches example # God only knows! - The Daley Gator

Think Carefully About Your COVID Passport and Authorized Worker Status, Before They Tell You There’s an App for That - IOTW Report

The Road Home (Today October 13th Is My 10th Rebirthday)- American Digest

‘We Have All the Power’: Pilot Warns Biden’s Mandate Means ‘Massive Disruptions’ of Shipping and Travel - Free North Carolina

Cartoon Roundup - Theo Spark

Devendra Banhart: October 12 ️ - Evi. L Bloggerlady

The Rise of the Australian Police State - 357 Magnum

Analyzing how progressivism destroys intellectual honesty - Bookworm Room

'The Cringe Video Just Became Cringier... - 90 Miles From Tyranny

Have We Ever Witnessed a More Incompetent and Out of Touch Bunch Than Biden's Appointees? Chapter 5 - Diogenes Middle Finger News Service

Quote du jour and Best of the Web - Proof Positive

Mike Adams: The perfect storm for a VACCINE HOLOCAUST ... Mike is predicting a dangerous future. - Adrienne's Corner

China’s Xi Emphasizes ‘Peaceful Reunification’ With Taiwan, Days After Record Show of Force - American Power

When it comes to policing, diversity is going to get someone killed - American Thinker

Biden’s Inflation Now Costs Families $2.1K A Year And About To Get Worse - The Lid

Australian Cops Now Going Door to Door to Interrogate Citizens About Six Month Old Social Media Posts About Protests - AoSHQ

MBD’s Trump Problem, and Mine - The Other McCain

on Gruden resigns as Raiders coach for making homophobic and misogynistic comments So what! - The Last Tradition

Your Fault: Hotcoldwetdry To Affect 85% Of Human Population - The Pirates Cove

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