Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Top of the News

EPIC: 427,000 Parents Respond to National School Board Association Labeling Them 'Domestic Terrorists'
Last week, PJ Media covered the hysterical and threatening letter written by National School Boards Association (NSBA) president Viola Garcia. In the letter sent to none other than President Joe Biden, Garcia accused America’s concerned parents of threats, intimidation, and even “hate crimes” rising to the level of “domestic terrorism” for having the gall to speak up at their local school board meetings. The NSBA also requested “federal assistance to stop threats and acts of violence against school board members, school officials, and teachers.”

This week, however, the leaders of almost two dozen parent organizations fired back with a scathing letter of their own—and it is epic. The letter, written on behalf of members of several parent organizations, made clear that the NSBA’s claims of “hate” and “terrorism” were shameful:
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Victor Davis Hanson Tells Tucker Carlson Why He Left the National Review (and Was Happy to Leave) - AoSHQ

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