Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Top of the News

Kinder, Gentler Taliban Murder Afghan Folk Singer, Because Music Is Un-Islamic
Fawad Andarabi was an Afghan folk singer who played the ghichak, a lute played with a bow, and sang about his native land. One of his songs contained the lyric: “There is no country in the world like my homeland, a proud nation. Our beautiful valley, our great-grandparents’ homeland.” The Taliban, showing their commitment to inclusivity that Secretary of State Antony Blinken and the rest of Biden’s handlers so dearly wish them to demonstrate, murdered Andarabi on Friday, likely for the crime of playing music for pleasure, which is forbidden in Islamic law. As CNN’s Peter Bergen recently noted, millions of Afghans “have good reason today to be skeptical of the ‘kinder, gentler’ Taliban” that some of the perennially eager-to-be-fooled have insisted exists. Indeed, they do. But will Blinken and company get the message?
In Other News

Your Daley Gator CCW News Update For Tuesday (08/31/21) - The Daley Gator

Pentagon acknowledges Americans 'stranded' in Afghanistan despite Jen Psaki claiming term was 'irresponsible'. - The Bongino Report

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Nancy Pelosi Blocks Names of 13 US Service Members from Being Read on House Floor - Free North Carolina

Cartoon Roundup - Theo Spark

Does Joe Biden Really Know What Time It Is? ️ - Evi. L Bloggerlady

Prosecutors HATE Self-defense - 357 Magnum

Bookworm Beat 08/25/21 — the bad, bad Biden illustrated edition - Bookworm Room

It's 'hard to exaggerate' how 'dangerously bad' US President Joe Biden is - 90 Miles From Tyranny

Rarely has one image more perfectly captured the moment — and totality — of a man’s presidency. - Diogenes Middle Finger News

Quote du jour and Best of the Web - Proof Positive

Moral Injury, Decision Fatigue, and Distractions ... the trifecta for driving us bonkers. - Adrienne's Corner

Shame! Shame! Shame! - American Power

The world’s best-armed terror state begins to master the weapons Biden left in their hands - American Thinker

Dementia Joe’s Angry Defensive Address To America Praises His ‘Success’ And Blames Trump - The Lid

Government Teachers Gone Wild: Teachers Direct Students to Salute the Gay Pride Flat and the Antifa Flag - AoSHQ

In The Mailbox: 08.31.21 - The Other McCain

Institutional Racism does exist and is being imposed in New York City by woke Democrats - The Last Tradition

Surprise: Electric Vehicles Won’t Save You Money - The Pirates Cove

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