Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Top of the News

AOC Is Shoving A $70 Billion ‘Civilian Climate Corps’ Bill Through Congress
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and Sen. Ed Markey (D-MA) are attempting to push their $70 billion “Civilian Climate Corps” bill through Congress’ budget reconciliation process.

“We’re working to win a Civilian Climate Corps in the reconciliation package,” announced Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter. “The last time the US did this, we employed 2M people and had record success in wildfire suppression — one the most rapid peacetime mobilizations in US history. We can revive it to fight climate change.”
In Other News

White Supremacy, Fetanyl, overdoses, social media idiots, media activists, and false narratives - The Daley Gator

Former Detroit police chief: America has a ‘criminal problem,’ not a gun problem - IOTWreport

The Colonel by Carolyn Forché- American Digest

WATCH: Republican From Vietnam Schools Democrat After He Claims ‘White Nationalism’ Is Greater Threat Than Communism - Free North Carolina

Cartoon Roundup - Theo Spark

Tucker Carlson: NSA is spying on and undermining his show️️ - Evi. L Bloggerlady

A Scientist on Disagreement in Science - 357 Magnum

J’Accuse! America’s Dreyfus Affair unfolds in Minneapolis - Bookworm Room

Teach Your Daughters Well - 90 Miles From Tyranny

Packaging an Unattractive Jew-Hating Homophobic Racial Bigot Proves Difficult - Diogenes Middle Finger News

Quote du jour and Best of the Web - Proof Positive

DO YOU GET IT YET!!! Must see video... - Adrienne's Corner

'What Comes Next for Portland? (VIDEO) - American Power

Whom must Democrats blame for the Florida building collapse? - American Thinker

Massive Surge In Sex Offenders Crossing The Border Endangers Americans … Do Dems Care? - The Lid

Kevin Clinesmith, the Corrupt FBI Lawyer Who Forged Documents to Frame an Innocent Man, May Get His Law License Back on July 19 - AoSHQ

‘White Supremacy’ Ju-Jitsu - The Other McCain

New Yorkers need to drop the progressive label and elect Curtis Sliwa for mayor - The Last Tradition

Excitable AOC Joins Warmist Protest Blocking White House - The Pirates Cove

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