Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Top of the News

IDF strikes Gaza Strip after incendiary balloon fires - The Jerusalem Post - Israel News
The IDF struck a number of military sites belonging to Hamas in the Gaza Strip on Tuesday night in response to 20 fires sparked by incendiary balloons earlier in the day.

"The IDF is prepared for all scenarios, including the resumption of hostilities, in the face of continued terrorist acts from the Gaza Strip," said the IDF Spokesperson's Unit in a statement.

Hamas responded to the strikes on Tuesday night, calling the strikes "a failed attempt to stop our people’s solidarity and resistance with the Holy City, and to cover up the unprecedented state of confusion for the Zionist establishment in organizing the so-called 'Flag March.'"
In Other News

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Murdaugh Murders: Victims Were Killed ‘Execution-Style,” Police Sources Say - Free North Carolina

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CNN are not Journalists. They are PR for Biden and Co. - 357 Magnum

Why the LGBTQ+ movement is so useful to the left - Bookworm Room

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BREAKING: Hamas Breaks Ceasefire With Israel - Tyler O'Neil - PJ Media

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DO YOU GET IT YET!!! Must see video... - Adrienne's Corner

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Mandatory body cameras for teachers, not just cops! - American Thinker

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WaPo's Alleged "Conservative" Michael Gerson: Obviously Right-Wing "Fascism" is a Greater Threat Than Extreme Wokeness - AoSHQ

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Why vote for another progressive in New York City's mayor race again? - The Last Tradition

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